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Ardheene tap Taylor's thigh. Telling her to get up. Ardheene hold the singer's hand while making her way to the bar. She pulled out her card to buy a stack of Euro's money. She bought worth to one thousand euro. Taylor tug her hand. Ardheene turn her head to face the singer.

"What are you doing, babe?" Taylor said gesturing to the print out bill. Taylor took it from the bartender's hand. Her eyes budged out.

"Babe! What did you bought?" Facing her girlfriend, Ardheene shrugged. The singer motioned to her friends.

"I bought stack of money." Ardheene said. The bartender handed her stack of money. Ten stacks to be exact. She nodded to the bartender. Ardheene shoved few of the stack money into Taylor's hand. And drag her back into their table.

"You know me so so well, Dheene Swift." Peter took a stack off Ardheene's hand. She put the rest of the stack to the table. Ardheene push Taylor to get in the booth first. Ardheene was blushing from her friend's words.

"How are you gonna do this, anyway?" Taylor lean her face to her girlfriend's shoulder. Taylor was getting teritorial. She has been clingy since the evening. She missed the actress dearly. Taylor hates it when they fight.

"Watch and learn." Ardheene leaned forward to take few bills off the rubber. She locked eyes with Jade. They smirks and throw the bills into the air. Few of the dancers strutting to their ways. Ardheene sat back on the couch.

The couple watching their friends getting lap dances of simply dancing with the dancers. Only Greg standing with his hand in front of his stomach. Stoic face on his face. Ardheene and Taylor were giggling at their friends. Taylor's arm was on Dheene's stomach. Their face in close proximity. They whisper talking.

Ardheene turn her head to the left when someone rub her shoulder in flirting manner. She look up to see a dancer bend down try to whisper to the actress' ear. Dheene moved her head back. And shakes her head. Taylor sat straighter to retrieve few bills off the table. Taylor taps Ardheene's stomach to get her attention. She handed her girlfriend the bills.

Ardheene handed her the bills with polite smile. The dancer smile and leaving them be. Jade was plastered when she tried to sat on Ardheene's lap but get pushed by the blonde softly. She sat Jade down between them.

Ardheene hand the british singer a water bottle. Jade swatted her hand away. Dheene rolled her eyes and uncap the bottle.

"Do you want Vodka, Jade?" When the british singer nods, she bring the bottle to Jade's lips. Jade greedily drink half of the bottle. Ardheene smirks.

Taylor laughed at Her girlfriend face. Dheene lift her eyes to the blonde and stick her tongue out at the blonde.

"It always works, honey." Adheene put the cap back on and gaze her eyes to her friend who was having fun. Ardheene lazily smile at her girlfriend. Their eyes locked and Ardheene bad attempt to wink amused the singer.

Ardheene clench unclench her hand. The knuckles were red. And she has to film an advertising tomorrow. She groaned at the thought. Jade put her chin to Ardheene chest. She looked up to the actress. Ardheene look down to her friends. Dheene scrunched her eyebrows.

"I have fucking show tomorrow" Jade words come out slurring. Ardheene leaned her head down to hear what her friend saying. Ardheene nods. Ardheene put her arm around the singer's waist. Keeping her from sliding down the couch.

After waiting for the others sat back down and paying the bill, Ardheene and Taylor waiting for the others to order a cab or their driver. Taylor handed Jack the keys for her London's house and her car key. It was already two in the morning when Greg and Clara escort them out.

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