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- Ardheene Faith reportedly seeing someone with first name Grace, close source told ET!

- The newly single Ardheene Faith take a break from the screen and going to France to visit her secret girlfriend after Swift!

November 22nd 2018
New York

Ardheene park her car down on the basement parking on the hotel's, she lean her body to the box compartment and take one of her sunglasses Taylor put there.

She put up her hood to hide her face and put on the sunglasses, she check on the small mirror to see her disguise hide her face correctly.

Ardheene get out the car and pull up her sweatpants and tied the string, she saw the valet man looking at her and her brand new benz.

Ardheene throw her key at the man, he grinned and catch the key, "room 210, mate." Ardheene hand the man fifty dollar bill and let the man open the glass door for her.

Ardheene waited for the elevator as she pull out her phone, she put the phone on her ear waiting to be picked up, when the line connected Ardheene smiled.

"I'm here," she said, the other line squealed and hang up the phone. Ardheene look down on her phone and pocketed the phone with a soft smile.

She step in to the elevator and pressed the lobby's floor. Ardheene walk in with her hands on her pocket, "hi, 210 please." She said when she reached the two woman working behind the desk.

The woman was on the phone, she nodded with a smile and went around the receptionist's table, "follow me, please."

"Thank you, darling." Ardheene follow the woman and the receptionist press the elevator's button and waited with the actress.

Ardheene step in when the elevator arrived and let the woman tap her key card to the card reader for elevator and pressed twenty one floor, she smiled at Ardheene "good day Ma'am." Ardheene wave at the woman with a smile.

Ardheene lean to the wall and whistled to the elevator's song. She walk down slowly to the room, make the host pacing back and forth because Ardheene took her step painfully slow.

Ardheene knocked at the door, Taylor yanked the door open and launch her body to the actress, "what took you so long?" The actress immediately put her hands on Taylor's thighs when she jumped into her body.

Ardheene chuckled at her fiancee, "i can't fly darling. I need to walk," Ardheene walk inside the hotel room and kicked the door close. She turn her body around and lock the door.

She wrapped her hands on Taylor's body as she laid down on the bed, "oof-" the actress grumbled as she laid down, Taylor unwrap her arms from Ardheene's shoulders and sat on her fiancee's stomach.

She take the sunglasses off from Ardheene's face, she put it on the nightstand as she brush the hood from Ardheene's head.

"I miss you," Taylor said, Ardheene run her hands on Taylor's thighs, she wear booty shorts to get comfortable while waiting for her fiancee.

"I miss you too," Taylor grinned and lean down, pressing her lips against her lover, Ardheene welcomed her lips with a moan, Ardheene flip them over as she laid her fiancee softly on the bed.

It's been a while since they face to face and doesn't have screen prevent them to touch each other. Ardheene pull away from the kiss and put her face on Taylor's neck.

She inhale her fiancee's smell she missed when was away, Taylor tug the hood down from Ardheene's head and brush her hand on the actress head.

Caressing her fiancee slowly, "Ardheene?" The singer whisper, Ardheene lift her head to look at her girlfriend's face, "i'm too worked up just for cuddling," the singer said.

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