Kerrigans POV:

As we walked over the crowed I looked down at the people dancing

Norman: see? Not so hard is it..?

He says and we continue to walk through the mid air when he whispered in my ear

Norman: you are a natural...

I smile at him and look back down at the dancing crowed below us until we land safely at the balcony to my brother's Bakery and I land my feet on the floor

Norman: I'll be sure to draw them off! Wait a bit before going back out ok..?

Me: ok...

I say letting go of his hand

Norman: that's my girl..!

He says and jumps the balcony I lean over the edge looking for him but to my displeasure he was gone

Me: wow...

I smile but then my smiling face turns neutral and I am quickly grabbed by the hands seeing regular brunette hair and chocolate brown eyes it was Alexander my brother

Alexander: Kerrigan!

Me: Alex..!

Alexander: what's going on?? Someone just told me you floated down onto our balcony!

Me: so that did happen... It wasn't a dream..!

Lady: Alexander would you like to use my office?

He looks past me and says

Alexander: I should get back to work... Thank you though..!

I look out of the window as he waves to the woman behind me and he takes me to the storage room that's where we'd usually talk because it was kinda private I had already explained everything that happened

Alexander: wow-! He must've been a wizard then...

Me: but he was so kind to me..! He rescued me Alex...

Alexander: of course he did he was trying to steal your heart! You are so lucky Kerrigan..! If that wizard were Norman he would've eaten it...

Me: he wouldn't do that Norman only does that to pretty girls Alex!

He scoffs and says

Alexander: don't give me that... You need to be more careful it's dangerous out there..! Even the witch of the waste is back on the prowl...

I was looking over to the doorway thinking again about how we just floated above the town

Alexander: are you listening?

I finally look up from the ground to see him looking me straight in the eye

Me: huh-..?

Alexander: ughh...

We heard something move behind us a female worker pokes her head Infront of the hole

Female worker: Alexander the chocolate eclairs are done!

Alexander: Kay I'll be right there..!

Female worker: thanks!

Me: alright I better get going then...

I said standing up from the crate I once sat on

Me: I just wanted to make sure you were doing ok..!

We walked out towards the front a few females whispering and glaring at me on the way

Male worker: oh hello Alexander!

Alexander: hi how are you doing??

No answer I smiled 'my older brother was one of the handsomest workers in the bakery and the most kind'

Alexander: now Kerrigan do you really want to spend the rest of your life in that hat shop?

Me: the shop meant so much to dad and I'm the youngest I think he would've wanted me to..!

Alexander: I'm not asking what dad would've wanted Kerrigan! I want to know what you want...

Me: well-..

Female customer: see you later Alexander!

Alexander: good seeing you again..!

He says to the leaving customer hearing a faint

Female customer: you to!

Me: I better be going...

Alexander: it's your life Kerrigan please do something for yourself for once won't you?

Me: bye Alexander..!

Alexander: and please promise me you'll be a little more careful Kerrigan...

I nod with a slight smile continuing to walk off I watched the city get smaller as I rode the bus home walking up to the hat shop I unlock it and open the door locking it back and placing my hat on the table Infront of me lighting a match and placing the small flame in a lamp blowing the match out and throwing it away I grab my hat and go to check some of the hats only for the doorbell to ring I look towards the door seeing a tall woman dressed head to toe in black clothes I take a breathe and say

Me: I'm sorry ma'am but the shops closed now..! Could've sworn I locked that door-.. must've forgotten...

I wait for her to leave but she walks closer to me and speaks

Anna: what a tacky shop..! I've never seen such tacky little hats! Yet you by far are the most tackiest thing here...

I furrow my brows slightly and stand up straighter than normal

Me: I'm afraid you'll have to leave now..!

I walk towards the door and open it for her

Me: the doors over here ma'am! We're closed...

Anna: huh..! Standing up to the witch of the waste! That's new...

Me: the witch of th-..!

Before I can even finish she flies right through me and out the door

Anna: best part about that spell is you can't tell anyone about it! My regards to Norman...

I hear the door close and hesitantly walk towards the mirror seeing my body was hunched my skin was wrinkled and even more pale than I usually am and I have pure white hair

Me: T-thats really me isn't it?! Oh I've got to stay calm..!

I walk to one end of the store touch the drapes to the door way and come back a small yelp erupts from my throat

Me: oh-! Ooh... I've got to stay calm..!

I walk out of the back of the store and breathe in some night air

Me: now there's nothing to worry about Kerrigan it's just a bad dream-!

I trip on the cobble almost falling but catch myself and turn around heading back into the shop

Me: just go inside and go to bed... Your gonna be fine Kerrigan your gonna be ok..!

I keep pacing in and out of the back of the shop

(Words: 1003)

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