Chapter Five

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You watched Nightmare giggle and wave her staff around.

Okay, step one done. You are pretty fucking sure it was the staff. The akuma had to be in there.

You jumped out from behind the bookshelf, but somehow, Nightmare didn't notice you. She was turning the other way and looking through other sections of the library. Perfect, you just had to get behind her, snatch that tiny girl's staff, and break it in half.

You tip-toed behind Nightmare, trying to go faster than her. You finally got right behind her and reached over her quickly. You broke it over your knee, but nothing happened. No akuma. Nothing.

The girl screamed. "You broke it!"

She held her hand out and a rainbow beam shot from her hand. You jumped out of the way. Okay, you needed to find the akuma.


You were afraid she would hit you, so you grabbed a book from the shelf behind you, opened it, and held it where she was about to shoot you. She hit the book and suddenly the pages went blank and you could see your uncle's face appear. You slammed it shut and threw it on the floor. You used a new book to cover yourself. You could see your parents with their luggage where the words were. Another one. This one had a picture of Hawkmoth on it.

You ran across the library as she shot at you. All you could do is hope that you weren't hit.

Luckily you weren't shot. You hid behind the librarian's desk. What to do, what to do?

You gasped and reached towards your belt. You took it off and waited for Nightmare to find you.

As soon as she found you, you dove out and pinned the child's hands to her sides. You wrapped your belt around her, keeping her hands there. She couldn't hit you anymore, so you were free to find her akuma.

You reached towards her hands first, since she had shot the beams from her hands. You quickly realized she had gloves on and you pulled them off. You ripped them in half and an akuma flew out.


If someone had told you a few months ago that you would squish two butterflies during your time in Paris, you would've called them insane. Now, you were the insane one.

So, step one, two, and three done.

The figure of pure darkness morphed into a little girl and you took you belt off of her, using it to hold up your jeans again.

The girl frowned. "What just happened?"

"You were akumatisted," you replied. "How come?"

"All I remember is waking up from a horrible nightmare," she whispered. The girl closed her eyes. "Mommy and Daddy got hurt. When I woke up, I was very scared. There was a purple butterfly, and I can't remember anything else."

This child could not have been more than five.

"Okay," you said. "Where are you supposed to be?"

"It happened during nap time," she answered, not really responding to your question, but it was progress.

"Perfect, what school do you go to?"

"That one!" she pointed out the broken window and you saw a small school in the distance.

"Alright," you said, picking the girl up.

"I know how to walk!" she complained.

"There's glass. I don't want you stepping on it!" you snapped.

The girl closed her mouth as you tried to avoid glass, and then you led her to her school. On the front steps was a woman, and she took the girl.

"Thank you," she told you, before scolding the girl and bringing her inside.

You spronted back to the library and looked for the girl who was hit. You finally found her.

"You okay?" you asked.

She nodded. "I hate spiders."

You smiled. "What class do you have?"

"English. I better go. My teacher is going to kill me," she said, waving at you as she left the library.

Okay, four and five were out of the way.


You looked around the library, but the librarian was on her lunch break, and there was nobody else. You even checked outside, but nobody else seemed to be affected. If anyone was hurt at her school, the teachers would've taken care of it.

Six was done.

So, seven.

You severely underestimated how long it takes to save Paris, so you quickly ran to English. Late, again.

You knocked on the door and Ms. Bustier opened it.

"Late once again," Ms. Bustier frowned. "What am I going to do with you?"


After what felt like years, you got home. You sat on your bed, when you felt a gust of wind. You glanced towards the window.

Which was open?

"What the fuck," you muttered, looking out. Did your uncle open you window? He never came in your room. No way it was him.

You frowned and closed the window. You could've sworn you closed it when you jumped out this morning, but maybe not.

You collapse onto your bed and felt something underneath you. For a moment, you thought it was your phone, but your phone wasn't as thick.

You flipped onto your stomach and saw a rainbow box. You had no idea what to do with it. You quickly retraced what happened.

You laid down. You saw your window was open, so you shut it. You laid down in the same spot, Same position.

And there was something where you had just been.

You couldn't help but think, What fucking magic is this?

You opened the box and pulled out . . . handcuffs?

(In case you want a closer look: https://unboundbabes

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You recognized them they were handcuffs that you could also use as a bracelet and wear out. You dropped them back in the box and closed it, not wanting anyone to think you were strange. Beside, handcuffs were only useful when you had a partner to use them with. And you didn't.

You didn't know who put them there or why.

And at that moment, you accepted that you will probably never know.

Invisible (Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now