Lainey September 2

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"MOMMY!" Lainey screamed as she rushed for Danika, the argument upstairs had stopped and the little girl still didn't know why her two Abuelas were mad at each other. She crashed into the side of her mommy, screaming loudly because there was blood and too much to be ok coming from her hair. "Abuela!!!" She screamed even louder. The thundering sounds of both her grandmothers rushing down the stairs was little comfort as the little girl shook her momma's shoulders, "Mommy wake up."

"Oh, Dios, Lainey come here." Abuela Angie hauled Lainey away, while Abuela Vickie pulled her cell phone out and crouched down next to mommy, "Shh, bebita, mommy will be ok." She promised, "I will stay with you and el Géminis while Abuela Vickie goes with Mommy to the hospital."

"I want papaíto!" Lainey nearly screamed even as Abuela Angie tried to comfort her.

"Take her and the twins to the Lincoln, head for the hospital. I'll meet you there with EMTs ok?" Abuela Vickie didn't wait for a response, instead she turned her attention back to the phone.

"I don't wanna go! Wanna be with momma!" Lainey fought Abuela Angie even as the woman shushed her and settled her down.

"If you want to help your Mami you need to listen to me, Lainey." Abuela Angie assured her, "I need you to go upstairs and get the diaper bag for Rosa and Nico while I get them out of the kitchen." Lainey frowned. The babies were calling for mommy now too. Lainey bit her bottom lip but nodded her head at Abuela Angie, adults knew what to do. She allowed Angie to let her go, then hurried up the stairs to the twins' nursery. By the time she made it back down the rescue men were helping her momma, Abuela Angie had both Rosa and Nico by the kitchen door that led to the garage.

She followed Abuela Angie out into the garage and waited for Abuela Angie to load her, "Abuela is momma ok?" Lainey asked as Angie scooped her up and put her in the middle booster seat.

"Of course she is, she would never leave you." Abuela Angie promised, but Lainey had been around adults her whole five (almost six) years on Earth and she knew when an adult was lying to her. Right now Abuela Angie was lying to her. She kept that to herself even as her tears started again. She watched Abuela Angie talk to tía Aalyah and tío Buddy. The pair nodded their heads, before heading back up to the room over the garage.

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