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Sunghoon's POV

"Park Sunghoon you wake up right now, you better not be late for your first day in a new class!" dad screamed, "Yeah yeah I won't be late don't worry" I replied.

Getting out of bed I just picked a random outfit that looked good.

Getting out of bed I just picked a random outfit that looked good

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(His outfit)

Going downstairs I ate some yoghurt and packed my bag, 'I hope my new class is better than my old class' I thought. "Bye mom and dad!" I screamed, but no reaction. I started walking to school, just a 10 minute walk.

Time skip ⏭️ 10 minutes later

Arriving at school I immediately heard people whisper stuff and some even approached me, "Why did you move classes?" One said, "He's still as handsome as always." The other said. 'Why talk about me when I can hear it clearly, I don't want to even go to school anymore at this point." I was trying to get away from the crowd but while all that was happening someone bumped into me, he was probably around 5.8 because he looked way smaller than me. He looked really cute though and he was wearing a skirt! "Sorry I apologize" he said quickly not even looking up before walking away again. 'Even his voice is cute'.

After all that I walked towards my class, my first class was math with my two friends Heeseung hyung and Jay hyung, if I'm honest I'm not the best at math. I stood in front of the door really not wanting to open the door but also not wanting to be late.

Opening the door and walking in everyone went silent, I looked around for my friends and saw them. I nodded to them till this girl screamed "OMG Park Sunghoon the ice prince is in our class?!!" then everyone went screaming and all, it was very displeasing.

"Please introduce yourself." my new homeroom teacher said, "Hello my name is Park Sunghoon, I'm an ice figure skater and I moved to this class because something happened in my old class. I hope this class will be better, thank you" I said with an awkward smile on my face.

Girls started whispering and the guys had strange looks, but what I noticed is that there was the cute guy from the hall! He was staring at me. He's so puppy alike, I'd never seen anymore more cute than him. 'How can someone be so cute and also be in my class?' I thought, I must be very lucky.

He eventually stopped staring and was kinda as red as a tomato then he looked at who I think is his friend? His friend had a smirk on his face and whispered something, the cute boy reacted sorta angrily but I thought it was so cute.

I went to sit down and tried to follow what the teacher said but I had the cute boy in my mind, 'What's his name? Would he want to be friends with me?' I thought, let me just tell you one thing. I didn't hear even one single word from that math teacher, I just couldn't focus.

Before I knew it the bell rang which meant this class was over, I was about to leave the class till the teacher stopped me. "I know your situation from your last class and I'm sorry that all happened but your grades for math are low so you will get a tutor assigned by me." she told me "I understand, who will be my tutor?" I replied. "The top student at the moment is Sim Jake, he will be able to tutor you. I'm going to find him and ask if he would be able to tutor you every Monday and Thursday in the library, is that alright with you" she said. "Yes that's alright with me, thank you." I slightly bowed and went to my next class with Jay hyung and Heeseung hyung.

Time skip ⏭️ lunch

"Hey Sunghoon! How are you man?? I haven't seen you in a long time." Jay hyung spoke, "I've been alright I guess, but can you help me find someone?" I replied. "Yeah sure! Tell me who, I can name anyone in this school." Jay hyung said, "Alright so as you know my grades for math are bad so my homeroom teacher gave me a tutor, his name is Sim Jake but I have no idea who that is.".

"Ahh, alright. I know who that is, your pretty lucky. He's smart and cute at the same time" he said giving me a wink. "Come with me, he usually eats in the library with his friends."

We walked to the library and Jay hyung found him. I looked up to see...

The cute guy from class!! "Hey Jake, this guy here was searching for you" Jay said while pointing at me, "Ah- yes our math teacher wanted you to tutor me every Monday and Thursday is that alright with you?" I asked the cute guy. "Oh yes that's alright with me! We could exchange numbers so we can chat and discuss at what time." He replied blushing a bit.

We exchanged our numbers and now I know his name, a cute name for a cute guy if you ask me. I changed his contact name to "Jake 🐶" and went on with Jay hyung.

Time skip ⏭️ last lesson

The bell just rang meaning my last lesson is done, but it was Monday so I went to text Jake were he wanted the tutor lesson to be.

Hey, where do you want to do the tutor lesson?

Jake 🐶
Hey! Maybe we could do the lesson in the library? I don't mind.

Sounds like a plan to me, see you then. :)

Jake 🐶
See you in a minute!

'Damn I'm gonna see him in some minutes, do I look alright?? What if he doesn't like me' I thought.

Boy in the skirt (Jakehoon)Where stories live. Discover now