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Charlotte took the last step onto the train after the red-head, leaving her parents behind her, her mother waving, a familiar smile on her face while her father glanced around the shiny red surface of the Hogwarts Express, the steam filling the platform around them. Every year it was like he was seeing it for the first time, the train hidden behind the solid wall of the secret platform, the wizards all clutching wands beneath their cloaks.

The two girls lugged their over-filled trunks down the skinny corridor, scanning half empty compartments as they went, looking for anyone tolerable to spend the train ride to school with.

"No Petunia?" Charlotte asked, gently, remembering the strained relationship her friend shared with her sister. The two Gryffindor's had met first year, naturally, sharing a dormitory and nearly all of their classes. It wasn't until last year that they had become close friends, after Lily had gone no-contact with her previous best friend, the greasy-haired Slytherin boy, Severus Snape.

"Course not." Lily answered at once, as if it was obvious. "I'm sure she'll even be busy for my funeral."

"Don't be morbid." Charlotte nudged her elbow lightly as Lily shrugged.

"All of these compartments are full, I really just need to drop my stuff, I'm going to miss the Prefect meeting-"

Before she could finish, the door they had just passed slid open, revealing a brown-haired boy, towering over them and shooting Lily an easy smile.

"If we move quick, he won't notice you-" The boy stalled as the door shook beneath his grip.

"Evans!" James Potter sounded nearly out of breath, as if he had pounced across the compartment to greet the red-head, although Charlotte was sure that was a likely explanation. "Good summer? You can come sit with us-"

"We've got the Prefect meeting, James." The tall boy replied as Lily sighed.

"Oh, that's right." James sounded let down, finally looking to Charlotte. His eyes scanned to her boots and back to her face quickly before his face lit back up in the familiar James Potter grin. "You a Prefect too? Harris, right?"

"You know Charlotte." Lily explained, sounding annoyed, although Charlotte thought it entirely possible that the Marauders would have no idea who she was, and she was fine with it that way.

Or so she had thought. She pulled her focus off the tall boy before them, looking to James who was still staring at her, as if waiting for a formal introduction.

"Charlotte." She held out her free hand, the other still gripping her trunk tightly, fingers threatening to fall off any second now.

"James Potter." He explained, obviously not realizing that the entire school knew his name. "This is Remus." He nodded towards the tall boy who was stepping aside to stand near Lily, obviously just as nervous as the red-head about being late for their first Prefect meeting of the year.

"Hi." Charlotte replied, stupidly, resisting the urge to smack her hand to her forehead. Remus nodded once and offered her a small smile.

"Why don't you sit with us while you wait for Lily?" James offered eagerly, Remus hardly containing an eye roll as Charlotte attempted to turn her chuckle into a cough.

"What?" The messy haired boy wheeled around towards Remus.

"Nothing." He answered, nudging Lily down the hallway.

"Here, Lil." Charlotte offered her open hand, taking Lily's luggage and struggling towards the compartment where two more boys were waiting, laughter echoing through the small space.

"I've got them." James muttered, grabbing both of the trunks from Charlotte and throwing them easily to the top shelf above their seats. "You guys know Charlotte?" He asked, falling lazily into a seat next to the short blonde boy.

written in the stars | s. black | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now