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New Years Eve was a Friday, and as calm and collected as the Potter's had seemed the entirety of Christmas Break, Charlotte wouldn't have described the afternoon as anything else beside chaotic. Even with Leeny directing all of the tasks and setting James, Sirius and Charlotte small tasks throughout the day, she had never seen Effie looking quite so frazzled.

"Oh, no. This is nothing, you should have seen her last year." James smiled as he strung another garland over the staircase, shooting Sirius a glare as it whipped out of his fingers and up the banister on it's own. "It's a blessing and a curse having you here sometimes."

"I make your life easier, how could I be anything but a blessing?" Sirius's teeth sparkled as he grinned.

"Because you're a big show off about it. You just wait until March, I'm going to have so much to make up for."

"I'm quaking, on Merlin." He teased, Charlotte rolling her eyes as she fluffed up the next poinsettia at the bottom of the steps.

"I do notice that none of your spells have been helping me carry any of these over." She shot him a pointed look, though even she could feel the smile tugging at her lips.

"My apologies, lovely." He muttered from above her as the remaining two pots flew towards them, crashing into Charlotte's open arms and knocking her a few steps backwards.

"Never mind. I'm with James, stop helping." She laughed, placing the final plant beside Sirius's.

"Done there?" Effie's voice appeared around the corner from the kitchen. "Oh, that looks perfect! Charlotte, I swear, we've gotten everything done so much faster this year with your help!"

"We're done?" James's eyes lit up as he glanced at his clock. "Merlin, that was fast. We've got ages until-"

"We've not got ages, James! Both of you upstairs, you look a mess. Charlotte dear, I can't thank you enough."

"No, it's fine!" Charlotte grinned, forcing her eyes away from the boys. She was sure Effie would be able to see right through her gaze and realize she would have volunteered for any job if it meant spending the day with Sirius. "Everything looks amazing, I can't wait for the party."

"You can come back over as soon as you're ready! Everyone should be getting here around seven, but you're welcome anytime."

"Yeah, don't take too long now blondie!" Sirius called, a twinkle dancing through his gaze as he followed James up the stairs, Charlotte stepping towards the fireplace which hadn't been lit all morning, everyone feeling plenty warm from the constant running around.

It was only a few minutes past seven when Charlotte stepped out of the floo for what felt like the fiftieth time that week, yet the house was already packed. Charlotte stepped to the side, sure that more people would be arriving any moment, and looked down, brushing any residual soot from her dress. It fell just above her knees, and she was relieved to find her skin free from any black smudges and that she had guessed correctly that the entire house would be perfectly warm despite the winter storm raging outside.

"Blondie!" Sirius hadn't yelled, yet she felt as if he was standing right beside her. She turned and spotted him at once, lounging on one of the couches, James and Peter beside him, all with sparkling glasses in their hands. Sirius stood at once, meeting her halfway and ignoring whatever comment of Peter's which had James snorting out a laugh.

"Hi." She smiled up to him for a second too long before turning to Peter. "Hey, Pete! How was your Christmas?"

"Was great! Thanks for the sweets." He smiled genuinely, sitting up straighter.

written in the stars | s. black | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now