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Charlotte blinked into the warm morning light, snuggling deeper into the thick blankets surrounding her, her eyes shutting again. She couldn't remember ever being this comfortable.

She jumped, a sharp breath leaving her mouth as Sirius's fingers brushed the skin at the base of her spine, dragging them slowly upwards beneath the material of her t-shirt which had ridden up in the night. She laid still, forcing her breathing back to normal as best she could, waiting to feel his skin against hers again.

"I know you're awake." Sirius mumbled, his voice clearer than it had been last night, though there was still an evident hitch near the middle of his words.

She rolled over, fixing her shirt behind her and ignoring the flush she could feel rising to her cheeks as she met his eyes, brighter than the dimly lit bedroom.

"How you feeling?"

"I'm fine." He said with a single nod, "I don't want to talk about it."


"It's Christmas." He pressed on, "I don't have to talk about it."

"Alright... that's fair." She spoke softly, glancing towards the curtain covered windows. "What time is it?"

He rolled over her and she felt her eyes go wide, lying still for a second before he returned with the small clock from his bedside table, squinting at it in the low light.

"Nearly ten."

"Shit," She muttered, throwing the blankets to the edge of the bed and swinging her legs off, much to Sirius's dismay.

"Hey!" He whined, snatching the covers back over himself in protest. "Bloody freezing. Where are you going?"

"I'm..." She paused, glancing between him and the door. "I'm going to get ready. I've got to get home, and you know James, he's probably been up for hours."

"Or he's sleeping like the dead." Sirius argued, wincing as he sat up and moved to the edge of the bed beside her. "You're not going home. Why can't you stay?"

"It's Christmas, and I feel guilty enough spending the night un-invited. Why did you send me here anyways?"

"It was the only address I could think of. Pardon me for not memorizing yours as you shoved us out the door last night."

She pressed her lips together and looked nervously towards the door.

"Please don't leave just yet." His voice was softer now, both of their eyes growing accustomed to the low lighting. "Stay for breakfast. Then I can take you home."

"You're not taking me anywhere, you..." She trailed off, remembering his demand to not speak of last night. "I'll stay until you're up and then I've got to go home. Before my parents report me missing."

"Deal." Charlotte watched as he climbed to his feet, pushing up on the night stand and swallowing a groan, though the pain was clear on his face. "And Charlotte?"

"Yes?" Her voice was soft now, her hand resting on the door handle.

"I'm going to have to tell Effie you forced your way into my bed last night." His lips curled into a smirk as he watched her jaw drop, twisting the door handle and pulling it open to slip into the hallway. "I mean, it's completely indecent!"

Twenty minutes later she was starting down the steps again, her dress from last night tucked beneath one arm and her shoes hanging off two fingers. She could hear laughter from the kitchen before she peaked her head around the corner, Mrs. Potter grinning over to her at once.

written in the stars | s. black | r. lupinWhere stories live. Discover now