Unwelcome Revelations

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Deku was always stronger. Even in the last moments before the portal closed, he pushed himself further and harder trying to reach out to Katsuki with broken hands. The pain in his eyes was not from his mangled body, but from the grief that overwhelmed him when he realized he could no longer move.  It was overwhelming to see the scene before him as the strange prison that had been holding him broke away. In his panic, all he could think to say to the battered boy in front of him was "Stay back Deku", his voice strangled, betrayed by his fear.

It was over in an instant. As soon as he had seen his classmates they were gone, like a distant memory. Now the hand on his neck felt stronger and hotter and the forest had turned into a small bar. His situation only now hitting him hard... in the back of the head. Katsuki was out cold before he had a chance to do a thing.

The room was hazy. Katsuki blinked his confusion away, his head was pounding. The villains had noticed him stir, many turning to face him now rather than the muted conversations they must have been having while he was out. Their prize was now awakening and that meant the performance was underway.

The restraints felt heavy on his tired limbs. There was no knowing how long it had been since the attack on the camp. Bakugo counted six villains in the room with him. He only recognized the two from the attack on the USJ. The other four didn't look like pushovers, either. This is really bad. He also took into account that there were possibly others in the building as well. All eyes were on him. Katsuki could sense the danger behind each of their stares, but there was no bloodlust. Well, from most of them that is. The blonde girl was staring daggers at him and out of everyone in that room he was most disturbed by her. He could tell she knew this by the way her menacing smile crept wider almost as though she was hungry. The hand-covered one, which Bakugo supposed was in charge, looked between the two of them. He sighed, "Toga leave us. You're scaring the kid." She pouted at this having something of a fit as she showed herself out. He was definitely the one in charge, the pros were right.

"Welcome to the League of Villains!" Shigaraki threw his hands into the air, motioning to the room around them. "We welcome you here as a guest, I do apologize for the restraints. We would hate to have to hurt you more than we already-", Bakugo scoffed cutting Shigaraki off. It was one of bewilderment and disbelief. "Seriously? A guest?! You have got to be-" "Joking?" Shigaraki finished for him, "I assure you we are not joking." Katsuki was just angry at this point, "What makes you think I will listen to anything you have to say." This time the villain paused and looked at him in a way no one had ever looked at him, but it reminded him of a similar expression someone who he used to be very close with had given him. "We may be more alike than you might think." This was such an outrageous suggestion that Bakugo was too shocked to answer immediately. "What makes you think we have anything in common?" Shigaraki gave him the same look as before, contemplating his response, "Do you know why I hate All Might?"

Katuski thought back to the USJ and all the rantings he overheard, but he hadn't really been paying attention at the time. It had become obvious to him where all of this was heading, though. They wanted him to join them, but it was just to hurt the school. He wasn't sure how much time had passed since he had been taken, but if he had to guess it had been less than 24 hours. The pros were probably out looking for him, but did they know where he was? He didn't even know where he was. Shigaraki was likely waiting for him to reply, but realized he wasn't going to get one, "All Might has made the people of today complacent and too reliant on heroes. Every one of us is a product of the society that All Might is responsible for. That is why I hate All Might." He ended in a sharper and more irritated tone since it had become obvious his abductee was preoccupied with other thoughts and not just pondering his question. "And he has failed you as well." This snapped Katsuki out of his thoughts. He was at a loss for words. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

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