Breaking Walls

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Bakugo knew he hadn't slept nearly enough, but he could not afford to sleep. At present, some of the villains seemed to be sleeping. Seeing as the leader's bedroom door was shut, he could assume he was one of them. Walking to a more isolated hallway, Katsuki cursed how loud his quirk could be. He was closer to the hallway of sleeping villains than he would like to be, but it was far enough from the bar that he may be able to go some amount of time without grabbing the attention of its keeper. That was the key to his escape. If the warp villain came after him, he would be very screwed. Although one on one would be probable, the warp villain would likely bring reinforcements. In all of Bakugo's time in this place, he could not tell where the nomu were being hidden. He assumed they were somewhere else, but maybe they had them hidden away somewhere in case of emergency. He really hoped not though. His sweat trickled down his arm. It was time. With a deep breath, he focused a blast on the wall in front of him.

There was now a hallway in front of him, not unlike the one with the bedrooms he was already familiar with. He ran down the hall away from the hideout, but then swung into one of the rooms hoping for the best. In an attempt to hide which way he was going, he exploded the locks on doors as he went. The blasts he needed to take walls down were too loud, so he tried to only use those if he had to. Staying out of hallways was ideal since many of the villains had ways of stopping him if they were able to catch sight of him or know his location. He knew the sound of his explosions gave away his general direction, but he did everything he could to minimize the potential of being caught because of this. Since he didn't know what floor he was on, or how large the building was, Katsuki kept heading in a certain direction as best as he could. The villains were on his tail. He hadn't seen them yet, but he could hear them. From what he could tell, the mist guy had teleported them from their beds to somewhere behind him. The adrenaline from the chase made Bakugo reckless, making bigger explosions than he meant. Finally, the wall in front of him did not hold another room, but fresh hot air instead. The world he had been sealed from was right in front of him. He felt the sun on his skin as if it were the first time in years. Freedom. Then it was night or rather, a black gateway opened up in front of him. Damn. The night consumed him and suddenly he was in the bar surrounded by his captors once more.

He took a defensive stance. The villains did not make a move, yet. Katsuki wondered why until he saw the disappointed hand villain with a hand in the air signaling a cease-fire. "That wasn't very smart of you Bakugo. We didn't want to hurt you if we could help it." His hand dropped down to his lap and before he knew it he was on the ground with something heavy on him. "Sorry, kid", the woman with sunglasses apologized before bringing her fist down on the back of his head. Then it was night again.

This time he did not wake up in the bar, but the chair felt all too familiar. He found himself in a warehouse with all the villains having taken up various positions around him. Crates were stacked up in piles across the building. The small windows at the top of the walls indicated that the time was night. The warp villain was the first to notice him being awake, he made a noise to grab the leader's attention. Shigiraki put his game away, his focus now on Katsuki. They just stayed there for a while staring at one another. His face was neutral for the most part, but there was something like pity leaking from his gaze. He sighed to break the tension, "You made it pretty far little hero." There was hatred behind that last word, but not directed towards Katsuki. Katsuki rolled his eyes, "What did you expect me to do? Sit around and play house?" The villain sighed again, "Did you think about what we talked about last time?" He wanted to tell the villain to screw off and spit in his face, but he restrained himself to staying silent instead. His captor seemed to take his silence as an answer, "Who decided that you were going to be a hero?" This was enough to shake Katsuki out of his silence, "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "Exactly what it sounds like. Every child dreams of being a hero, of course, but few hold the conviction to follow through. So, Katsuki Bakugo, why do you want to be a hero?"

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