My Hero

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Katsuki didn't need to stay for long, but Recovery Girl insisted on keeping him for observations as long as possible. He got to eat Lunchrush's cooking for every meal and sometimes picked from the 'Get Well Soon' fruit basket his classmates brought him. Classes were still going on as usual, but he wasn't expected to attend them. He didn't know how to feel. Should he just go back to school like before? It just felt so wrong somehow. It was still his dream to be a hero, but now he had begun to second-guess what that meant to him. Bakugo felt sick thinking about how much he changed since the whole fiasco, and it seemed the nurse had picked up on this. She probably felt that he needed time to himself and although she was a nosey old hag, Katsuki appreciated it.

Deku was almost always with Kirishima when he visited so that he could translate, but there was one time he came all alone. He had become increasingly confident around his old bully since he no longer expected to be attacked out of the blue for simply existing in his presence. Bakugo knew that behavior was his fault, but he hadn't meant for it to become this way. Hey nerd. The boy glanced over to where the old lady usually sat then moved closer to hide from her view, then began to sign back. Hi. Sorry, I noticed you glancing at me a lot last time so I came to see if you wanted to talk about something. He had? His childhood friend did know him better than he knew himself. Don't make it weird. He just signed another sorry in return. Stop that. Honestly, I should be the one to apologize. This seemed to shock Deku enough. I've always been an asshole to you. You didn't deserve that. Now the timid teen shook his head. You just didn't want to be associated with someone like me. But you were the coolest person I knew, I just couldn't stay away. Katsuki scoffed, You may have been a quirkless loser, but that doesn't mean you weren't a person. What kind of hero does that to people? The boy didn't have a comeback for that. Earlier that school year, when Deku had "suddenly grown a quirk" it had been a nasty shock. His world had been flipped on its head. What Deku had said had been extremely confusing at the time. Giving away quirks? That just wasn't possible. But, they had seen the impossible over and over again. 

Who gave you your quirk? It was blunt and sent the nerd for a loop. He thought the boy had bluescreened, but he eventually came to his senses. What- if sign language could stutter, it was happening now- what do you mean?  The idiot either forgot he told Katsuki before or was hoping he could bluff his way out. He safely assumed it was the latter. Don't play dumb now. At first, I thought maybe you had just been hiding it our whole lives, but with everything, we have seen... the nomu. Deku was in full on panic-mode now. It isn't like that! It isn't... He paused. Isn't what? Nerd, did you get your power from a villain? His eyes widened. NO! But, I can't tell you. That almost made Katsuki laugh. You know I will find out eventually. But whatever, keep your secrets. There was an internal conflict in the boy's eyes. It isn't just mine. Katsuki didn't know how to place this new info into the puzzle. He would just have to trust the nerd to not be stupid. Which shouldn't be difficult seeing as Bakugo felt as if he himself was the stupid one right now. Just be careful with that borrowed power. Deku nodded hesitantly before turning around to leave. "You are leaving already? You two were awfully quiet. What were you talking about?", the nurse poked the boy. "Nothing important!", the nerd lied. He was a terrible liar.

It was something of a weight off his chest. He had done nothing but sift through his memories and experiences during his time in the chair. Now he could make sense of certain things. Questions that had he not been released, he may have ended up dying without ever learning. The nerd had been correct to assume he wanted to talk to him, to ask him something, but he hadn't gotten the chance. They had talked about it all the time as kids, but he just had to know. He had to hear it again: Why did he want to be a hero? This question played on repeat in his head. It didn't feel right to ask anyone else. When he thought of a hero, a true hero, he thought of All Might of course, but he also thought of Deku. The relentless boy racing to rescue him, not once but twice. The last few moments at the camp plagued his sleep. All Might may be a great hero, but Deku was his hero. 

Katsuki knew what he had to do. He was going to become a hero, a hero like Deku.

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