Oh! That's a Baseball! (Sleepless in LazyTown)

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Starting with some self-promotion teehee. I have 2 tiktok accounts, epicgrace15 is my main account and I just post whatever on there and Sportacus has shown up a lot recently, my video editing account on both insta and tiktok is gxlaxy.mp3 and I've made 4 Sportacus edits and more will probably come. I've been making fan edits and shit for like 7 years at this point and the Markiplier fan edit community in like 2016 got me into editing in general. Now I'm a film major in college and have a work study at my uni for social media marketing so I get to edit for that. Anyways yeah give me a follow if you think I'm funny or something. I also have another ig theonegrxce where I just kinda post random shit like idek. Also got a Youtube channel theonegrace that post random shit on. Sorry for starting with talking about myself and not the fic but yeah let's get into it!

Also (sorry), slightly more important. I went back and read chapter 3 and realized I sometimes used first person pronouns (I, Me, We) instead of second person (You, you all yall). So for future reference, I'll probably use first person when we're thinking with (Y/N). Yk sometimes they go on silly tangents in their head and that's when I'll use first person. I thought about putting those in italicizes but i don't wanna so yeah.


The day after the whole crystal situation was pretty relaxed. You spent most of day inside other than saying hello to any of the kids who passed by. You spent a good amount of time sitting on the couch and contacting your family and friends from (insert city). They kept asking for details about your new home and you just said you met the citizens and they were all nice. You were sure you'd be called crazy if you told them everything that happened yesterday. You were on a video call with your friend (pick a name I'll use F/N for them for funsies later on) when you heard a knock on the door. You set your phone on the coffee table and went to answer it, expecting it to be one of the kids asking you come out and play. Surprisingly, it was Sportacus.

"Oh, hey what's up?" You say.

"Hi (Y/N)!" He said with a smile, " I just wanted to make sure you were settling in okay. I'm sure you didn't have much time to with all that happened yesterday." This man was so sweet you felt your heart turn into a sloshy substance.

"Yeah, I'm good, I got most of my unpacking done the day I got here. Thanks for asking though!" You say wondering how you got any of your words out.

"No problem! I just want to make sure you're happy here and," he was interrupted by his crystal beeping, "Someone's in trouble. I'll see you later bye (Y/N)!" Sportacus said as he flipped away.

"See ya!" You respond waving before shutting the door and going back to talking with (F/N), who had an odd smirk on their face.

"What?" you asked.

"Who was that?" They said with a smile. Oh shit what are you going to say? Are you allowed to discuss his status as an above average hero? You decided on explaining to (F/N) that Sportacus was a local do-gooder who everyone in town is pals with, he just helps people if they need it. You didn't refer to him by name as his name would lead to questions.

"Well the local do-gooder seemed to care about how you were doing," they said.

"He's like that with everyone, he just wants to make sure new people feel welcome and not like outsiders or something," you say. (F/N) paused and appeared to be thinking for a moment.

"What's he look like?" They say suddenly. How do you even answer that? Sportacus wears a fairly clear superhero type outfit, so that would raise questions, and the fact that he's good looking would also start a conversation you didn't even want to have with yourself, let alone with someone else.

Idk What To Call This (Sportacus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now