Mama - Joel Miller

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You, Joel, and Ellie had been established in the Jackson settlement for almost a year now. At first, Joel was hesitant to merge with the settlement, but the thought of putting an end to the migrant lifestyle and becoming a family with his brother again was too much for him to resist. Besides, he didn't want to keep you and Ellie on the run for the rest of your lives, it wasn't fair to any of you. Joel was tired of running, and he just wanted to settle down with the love of his life and the daughter he took under his wing.

Tommy and Maria set the three of you up in one of the available vacant homes in the community, had the power and running water switched on, and before you knew it you were living a life completely opposite from the horrors of the outside. It felt strange at first, old habits die hard after all. You'd often wake up in the early hours of the morning to see the silhouette of Joel sitting on the side of the bed, head in his hands and knee bouncing, still too restless to sleep.

Over time, you came to appreciate and settle into your new normal. The bags disappeared beneath your eyes lightened and Joel was able to sleep through the night. Ellie made friends in the community and got to actually enjoy what was left of her childhood. She continued school with the others and loved to tend to the animals with Tommy.

You liked the new, relaxed Joel. He was still rugged and rough around the edges like he always has been, but he was softer with you now. He'd never tell the others, but he loves to snuggle at night and enjoys a bubble bath or two when the supplies come in. He was more affectionate, warm, but always keep you safe.
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The morning sun filtered through the sheer curtains, splashing Joel's tanned back with warmth. He slept comfortably on his stomach, arms crossed under his pillow and snoring lightly. The comforter covered him warmly from the waist down. You began to stir beside him, an unfamiliar churn unsettling your belly. Your eyes opened and you blinked blearily against the sun, grasping at your stomach as its contents started to churn. Shooting upright in bed, you realized there was no keeping this down. You rushed to the en-suite bathroom on shaking legs and vomited into the toilet bowl.

Your stomach heaved and you sloppily wiped a few tears from the corner of your eyes. Resting your chin on the edge of the toilet seat, disgust aside, you closed your eyes and took slow, deep breaths. Behind you, sleepy shuffling footsteps sounded from the bedroom, and a calloused hand swept your hair out of your face and behind your shoulders.

"What's going on, Mama?" Joel hummed, gently smoothing his hand over your back.

"Don't know... Woke up sick," you softly whined. Joel sat on the bathroom floor with a soft groan, his aching knees cracking as he adjusted himself into a crisscrossed position, back against the bathroom counter. He watched you quietly for a moment, letting you catch your breath. Before long, another wave of nausea swept over you and you were sick again. Joel frowned and rubbed your back as you were sick, offering gentle encouragement.

"It's alright, just let it all out," he murmured, offering you a wet washcloth to wipe your mouth. You sat back when you were finished and washed your face with the cool rag.

"I don't know why I feel so shitty. I didn't eat anything different, and we didn't drink," you whined, pulling yourself and Joel to your feet. You brushed your teeth and had a swig of water before shuffling back to bed. Joel tucked you back in and sat on the edge of the bed, watching out the window as the early risers in the compound began to greet the day.

"I don't know either, sweetheart. It just happens sometimes, I suppose," Joel said softly.

"I've got patrol duty this morning with Tommy, so I have to head out. But I won't be gone long. You know Ellie's here and Maria's just across the street if you need anything. Right?"

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