No Matter What - Javier Peña

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Summers in Colombia were oppressive, and tonight was no different. The hot, humid summer air made your sleep shirt stick to your skin, damp with a light sheen of sweat. Your hair clung to the nape of your neck. The crickets and cicadas outside your window chirped and hummed loudly, seeming to mock your inability to rest. You adored the little cottage that you and Javi had moved to while you were both in the country for his work, but sometimes you really felt desperate for an icy-cold air conditioner.

You tossed and turned in the bed that you and Javi shared, his side empty. It wasn't unusual for him to be out all hours of the night on assignment, but that didn't make it any more pleasant. Needless to say, his not being able to update you throughout the night made your stomach churn with anxiety. Rolling to look at the clock on the bedside table, you saw the red numbers staring back at you, reading 3:27 am. You groaned and swiped your hand over your damp face, heaving yourself out of the bed. There was no chance of sleep tonight.

Padding down the worn wooden hallway, you rubbed your tired eyes. You sucked down a glass of water from the tap and stared out the window over the sink, watching the distant city lights twinkling. Your mind wandered to where Javi could be. Images of him sprinting down dark alleyways, stalking suspects, and leaping across tattered rooftops crossed your mind. You worried for him more than you ever let on, but you were so proud of him all the same. You knew he could take care of himself, but at the same time, you knew what he was up against as a DEA agent.

Starting up the creaking shower, you stripped down and stepped into the cool water. The water pressure was weak, but the water was refreshing and calming all the same. You let the water pour down over the crown of your head, plastering your hair to your scalp and covering your eyes. It wasn't clear how long you stood under the spray, but by the time you finally stepped out and wrapped yourself in a towel, your teeth were practically chattering. It was a welcome change from the dampness you felt earlier.

After combing your hair and lotioning your body, you returned to the bedroom, perched on the edge of the bed still in your towel. Picking up your phone, you were surprised when it began to buzz in your hand with a text message. Your screen was filled with notifications, unusual for this time of night, and your stomach dropped. You had 5 missed calls from Steve, Javi's partner, 3 voicemails, and a handful of text messages. With shaking hands, you didn't even bother to listen to the voicemails as your eyes scanned the text messages instead.

"Call me now."

"Y/N you gotta call me back."

"Call me as soon as you see this."

"Fucking call me."

"Javier's hurt."

You pressed the cell phone between your ear and your shoulder as you threw off your towel and pulled on clothes. Steve picked up on the second ring.

"Steve?" You gasped out, and you could hear a commotion on the other end.

"Y/N, you gotta get to Medellín General Hospital. We're sending a car for you, they should be almost there. Javier's hurt," Steve rattled off.

"What happened?"

"We got ambushed. We were in a roadside trap waiting for a shipping truck to come through but they caught wind of us there. They sent their men ahead of the truck to take us out and we didn't see them until it was too late," Steve's voice sounded strained. You were used to seeing him calm and collected so to hear him like this made your extremities tingle with fear and your heart race.

"What did they do to him?" You choked back a sob, imagining the worst.

"They shot him. We got him here fast, but he was bleeding real bad. Just get here as soon as you can," Steve said firmly before ending the call, not waiting for your response. 

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