First Time - Pedro Pascal

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"Querida, you home yet?" Pedro called as he let himself into your apartment with the key you'd given him.

"In the kitchen!" You called out to him as you stood at the stove, stirring the homemade pasta sauce in the pan. The kitchen was a mess from your cooking, but you knew he didn't mind. You'd been busily preparing homemade angel hair pasta, garlic and herb sauce, meatballs, and salad for the two of you. You didn't get to cook extravagant meals for him often, but he loved your home cooking when he could get it. Pedro appeared through the doorway, a bottle of wine in one arm and a beautiful bouquet of flowers in the other. It was a bundle of soft pink, white, and beige peonies wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.

"Mm, it smells phenomenal in here," He smiled, breezing by to kiss your cheek before putting the bottle on ice. Your eyes lit up at the sight of the flowers.

"What are these for?" You gushed, leaning in to take in their scent, the petals tickling your nose.

"Just because," Pedro murmured lovingly, reaching up to swipe a smudge of flour off of your cheek left over from when you made the pasta dough. "Looks like you've been busy in here," he chuckled, showing you the flour stuck to his fingers. His warm laughter made your belly flutter with love and admiration. You'd been with Pedro for around six months now, but you still got butterflies just like the ones you felt on your first date.

"You know I love spoiling you with a good meal," you said, playfully pinching Pedro's waistline, earning a nose crinkle from him.

"No, you just love fattening me up," he laughed as he dug around for a vase to put the flowers in. He found one and filled it up with water before arranging the flowers inside. He placed them on the center of your dining table and admired his work.

"This is almost ready if you want to get washed up and at the table, mi amor," you said as you strained the pasta and began to toss the salad. Pedro disappeared into the bathroom to clean up and came back a few moments later, retrieving a pair of wine glasses from the cabinet and pouring you both a taste of the wine he'd brought, a perfect pairing for your meal. Pedro helped you bring a few things to the table and pulled your chair out for you. He tucked you up to the table and took his own seat, smiling across the table at you.

"Thank you for making such a wonderful meal, querida," Pedro smiled warmly, holding your hand. "Cheers," Pedro added, and you gently clinked your glasses together. You both tucked into the meal together and talked about your days, discussed Pedro's most recent auditions he was prepping for, and the latest gossip in your office. The conversation and the wine flowed easily, and before you realized it you had both finished off the bottle. Your cheeks were flushed and pleasantly warm, and Pedro's eyes looked sleepy.

You looked between the dishes on the table in front of you and the pots already soaking in the sink. "Let's save the dishes for tomorrow?" You asked, putting on a fake frown and squeezing Pedro's hand. He laughed and nodded, helping you at least put the dishes in the sink to soak with the rest.

"You don't have to ask me twice," he laughed, flicking off the kitchen light and flopping onto the couch with you. He sat on the far end and patted his lap, encouraging you to place your feet there. Tucking a throw pillow behind your head, you did as he asked and gingerly plopped your feet in his lap. Stretching out, your ankles cracked with relief as you were finally off your feet after a long afternoon of cooking. Pedro took your left foot in his hands and started to massage it, working out the soreness with his strong hands. Humming in contentment, you closed your eyes and couldn't help but smile as your head swam from the alcohol and the love you felt radiating from Pedro.

"What are you thinking about?" Pedro asked after a moment, looking at you over the thick rims of his glasses. He shifted to your right foot, massaging it just like the other.

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