The Gang Meets Jay

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'You and the others finally made it to Earth where they meet Jay, your sister, for the first time...'
Request for @Yuichi_Hyakuya

Earth | Around 10 p.m. at night | Somewhere in y/n's neighborhood


You tripped over something in the darkness, the only thing saving you from instant death being Uzi grabbing ahold of your wrist. You sighed in relief and gave her your thanks.

"Man, I never realized how bad human vision was," Thad mused, watching you straighten yourself up. You glared at bright, green eyes— the only thing you could really see of the drone.

V snorted, "This is amazing."

"Shut it!" You threatened, swatting at the first pair of yellow eyes you saw. N cried.

"Ah, y/n, no! That's me!"

"Oh, shoot— sorry, N."

V then proceeded to cackle at your expense and you groaned. Of course out of everyone she would find your struggles of navigating through the dark the most amusing.

"You're even helpless on your own planet!" She laughed.

"Be quiet! You're gonna wake someone up!" You hissed.

"I'm surprised we haven't woken anyone up yet," Uzi deadpanned.

"Here," N's voice sounded, coming up beside you and offering up his tail, which illuminated the area around you pretty nicely. Being careful of his stinger, you grabbed it and began using it as a makeshift flashlight.

The five of you had made it to earth not even two hours ago and you were already on the verge of passing out.

Upon arrival, you guys were swarmed with a shit ton of JCJenson's minions, which were a pain in the ass to lose— You'd been able to get them off your trail and somehow make it to the neighborhood you lived in, but now the stress of how your friends were going to return to Copper 9 was weighing heavy on your shoulders as you all had to leave the ship behind when the minions pursuit began.

The others(minus V) assured you that it was a problem they would deal with in time and that the most important thing you needed to focus on now was returning home to your sister.

And getting a proper meal! Thad had added. God— the thought of your sister's cooking had you damn near drooling.

The sound of a dog barking pulling you from your thoughts.

"Oo, doggy!" N cooed and you pulled on his tail like a leash.

"No," You hissed, "No doggy! Not when their barking wakes up the owners!"

"Never say doggy again; either of you," Uzi said painfully.

V groaned, "Are we there yet? We've been walking forever."

You glared at her, "Well maybe if everyone stayed focused we would've been there already!"

"You act like that's my fault," The other huffed.

"I'm going to stab you with N's tail I swear to God—"


A familiar voice, quiet and unsure, made you freeze.

Slowly, you turned your attention away from your friends and towards the house you all stood beside; the back door was open, light from inside shining out as a young woman stared at you. And that young woman... was Jay.

"Jay," You breathed out in an exhale, slowly loosing grip on N's tail as the drone retracted it from you.

"Oh my god, y/n!" Your sister cried, finally breaking free from whatever trance she was in and running towards you, pulling you into the tightest hug...

You were quick to return it, clinging onto your sister for dear life as your heart pounded in your chest; you were finally home.

Jay gave you one last squeeze before pulling away slightly, cupping your face. She had tears in her eyes, but they didn't fall. She had always been so strong... she barely ever cried.

"God, I thought you were dead!" She whispered, "I-I..." The words seemed to get caught in her throat— like she had so much to say but couldn't find the right way to word it. You put your hands over hers and smiled.

"I'm glad to see you too," You said. Jay gave a laugh of relief before hugging you once more.

"You adventurous little shit... who the hell gave you permission to take a trip to Copper 9?"

You laughed sheepishly, "It's a long story."

Jay looked at you, "But how... did you survive?"

You smiled and pulled away from Jay slowly, "I had a bit of help... Jay, I'd like you to meet my friends," You said, gesturing towards the gang standing behind you.

Jay blinked, disbelief all over her face as she looked the four over, "Drones? From Copper 9? Wait—" She pointed to N and V, "Ain't they, like, really dangerous? y/n!"

"It's okay, it's okay!" You assured, "They don't bite! Or, well, V might— but N won't let her!" Jay grew a dumbfounded look and you realized you had properly introduced everyone yet, "Oh crap— right, introductions! Okay, guys this is Jay, my sister, and Jay, these are my friends; they're the ones who helped keep me alive on Copper 9 and get back home," You explained, before giving a detailed introduction of everyone to your sister... Your body was shaking with adrenaline and your cheeks hurt from how much you were smiling— you didn't know why, but finally introducing your friends to your sister meant the world to you.

Once you finished, you looked to Jay, waiting anxiously for her reaction, and for a moment, she simply stood there... before giving your friends a wide, genuine smile.

"Thank you," She began, "I don't know what I'd do if I lost my sibling and it's because of all of you that they made it back home to me. Truly, I cannot thank you enough."

Uzi waved her hand dismissively, looking off to the side as blush lines of embarrassment appeared on her visor, "It's whatever."

"No problem!" Thad smiled.

"Yeah, y/n is great, they helped us a lot too!" N added. V merely shrugged.

"They've been... alright, I guess."

You turned to Jay in shock, "That's probably the nicest thing she's ever said about me!" You whispered. Jay laughed, ruffling your hair.

"Come on, you idiot, let's get you inside. You look like you could use a good meal and shower."

"Speak for yourself!" You retaliated, flicking your sister on the cheek, just underneath the terrible eye bags she had.

"Oh," You paused, looking at your friends, "Can... they come inside too?"

Jay patted you on the back playfully, "Yeah, like I'm gonna deny hospitality to the group that saved my baby sibling. Of course, they can."

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