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Hello, and welcome to the Christian News-letter, here I will bring light to touching and real stories and bring light to matters that are happening in our world that affect us as Christians. As a Christian I find that many Newspapers fail to speak of our God and bring light to the situations happening around us. So even though this platform is small I still want to help and bring light to these situations. Rather it be a testimony or a tough story I want to cover it. So, I, Grace Green am looking for stories to cover, if you have a testimony you wish to share with the world but are afraid to share it then DM me and I will interview you and post your testimony but keep your identity anonymous. Or if you simply stumble across a Christian situation that is affecting our lives then share it with me and I will do my best to write an article about it. As well as I'm looking to hire two other writers who can go around gathering stories for me to write, as testimonies and topics surrounding the Christian community.

Thank you for reading and I pray you will become a weekly reader.

The news letter will hopefully be published every Sunday with a new story.

Have a blessed day/night.

Yours Story, Grace Green. 

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