The Testimony Of Elisabeth

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Hello, my name is Elisabeth, and this is my testimony....

I grew up in a happy and peaceful family which loved the Lord. There have been many, many times were God protected us from the harm of the evil one. However, putting my family aside, I truly have been struggling with feeling and being ashamed of God and following the trends of this wicked world. 

I have lost many friends because they think I'm 'foolish' for wanting to live a holy lifestyle, some bullying also comes with it. However, my family members are supportive which is such a blessing because they help me get through so many things that I face. 

I'm Catholic! I'd say it strengthens my faith due to all the support I receive from our traditions and other biblical resources. I genuinely love my denomination and don't wish to change. However, I love all Christians and wish for unity. 

And here are the words I wish to part with, even if your testimony is not as long or inspiring as others, it is still a praise from God because there is one more soul saved.

May God bless the people who read my story and may He use my testimony to inspire others and encourage others to run to God and strengthen their faith.

Yours truly, Elisabeth. 

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