==> Dave: Talk to Rose

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gardenGnostic (GG) opened a memo.

tentacleTherapist (TT) responded to memo.

TT: Hello.

GG: hi rose!!

GG: dave is having those dreams again

TT: Again? It's been so long since the last one. I was sure that he would have been over them by now.

turntechGodhead (TG) responded to memo.

TG: omfg you have to be kidding me

TG: you arent gonna give up on this little prank of yours are you

TT: Dave, I'm afraid this isn't a prank.

TG: then what is this

TT: I am not quite sure, but I can tell you this much.

TT: You have been having extremely realistic dreams. So realistic that you came to a point where you believed they were true. We tell you this, but every once in a while, you forget this whole situation and we're back to square one.

TT: It's a very interesting case, and I'm very unsure how to deal with this. All we have been able to do is to remind you each time that you are dreaming. That this "Karkat" you always talk about has never existed.

TT: For a while, you seemed to be back to normal. You didn't have dreams and not once did you mention Karkat. However, it appears that these dreams have in fact returned and we must explain this to you yet again.

TT: It's almost as if you're reliving some alternate universe in your dreams and you can't perceive the difference between them and reality.

TG: alternate universe

TG: oh shit

TG: fuck

TG: that must be what happened

TG: im such a fucking idiot

GG: ??

TG: i really messed something up and i need to fix it

GG: im confused

GG: dave what did you do????

TG: its hard to explain

TG: rose i need to find out what exactly i did

TG: maybe tz knows something

TG: can you talk to her in person about karkat

TT: I don't know why she would know anything or where you're going with this, but sure. I'll have her come over and I'll discuss this Karkat with her.

TG: thanks

TG: would you mind if i came over and listened

TG: without her knowing im there though

TT: So eavesdropping?

TG: if thats what you want to call it

TT: Alright. No problem.

GG: and ill still be here to talk to if you need me dave!! :)

TG: cool

GG: i guess ill close this memo then

gardenGnostic (GG) closed the memo.

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