4 | ꜰʀᴇɴᴢʏ

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Vivid Dreams.



Ear-piercing thuds of bass bumped riotously along the pavement - the solidified cement vibrating underneath the feet of pacing pedestrians and dazed partygoers. The night was filled with exhilaration and zest, the high rise of arousal sparked rapidly as men and women danced passionately inside the crowded club - grinding sensually against each others sex.

Deep pink and purple neon lights whizzed as it danced along the beat, flashing extreme beams of brightness - temporarily flickering on the faces of drinkers. Women screamed loosely as they waved their hands about, the thin material that enveloped their skin exposed their bodies as they whined fiercely to the music. Beady eyes of men gawked lustfully as they trailed over the feminine curves, craving to stroke and squeeze them tightly against their hands feening whilst they squirm for more..

The hyped DJ and his cluster mass of friends danced aggressively around the mixer - jumping around as some held freshly opened beers - the contents trickling against their fingers from impact. Their loud chants of enjoyment were muffled by the reverberating sounds of jungle mix music and the enormous roars of liveness that only paraded on a Friday night - leaving the world still and unspirited as the monotonous movement of people rushing to work equipped the days prior.

The great weight of the door that led to the entrance and exit opened swiftly, allowing the fresh cold breeze to twist against the body scent infused air that trapped confined in the medium sized club.

The frosty air flushing great amounts of coolness against Sedora's face as she walked ahead unsteadily in her red platforms. The intentionally ripped holes of her skin tight red dress allowed the air to stab her all around, making her drunk ingested body shiver excessively as her sharp jaw unstably chattered. She flung her arm behind - extending her hand while she flopped it around, trying to sense the warmth of either one so she could find a vice.

"Someone hold me blud!" She slurred, kissing her teeth when she felt nothing, squinting her eyes as the bitter air wrapped against her small fingertips - stretching them wide in the open. Dismissing it, she reached her hand out further, her fingers grazing softly against a clothed chest - their own hands intertwining into hers.

"Sedora!" Cyrus shouts, his own voice was partially laced with alcohol as he grabbed at her hand and twisted her small frame towards him. She watched as he licked his withered lips - giving them slight moisture as his eyes took in the view before him.

The thirty-inch long wig she wore against her scalp was ruffled messily - loose hairs tangled in knots as they slowly matted with the infusion of alcohol that dripped down the ends. The Fenty lipgloss she wore across her plump pink lips smothered itself against her soft skin - oily and sticking sickly around her mouth. Throbbing waves of agony accompanied her left nostril as it spotted burgundy blood - her right cheek imitating as the small slash underneath her dark eye bags oozed.

Cyrus' face expressed sympathy, watching her breathe heavily and her eyes watering salty tears as she sloppily made eye contact with him. He held her hands with great grip against themselves, closing the distance before wrapping his bare arm around her curves.

Softening into his touch, she looked up with infatuation - smirking slyly before grabbing his muscular face. Her red French tip nails pierced and dug deeply into his cheeks, clawing at his features before flattening them - dragging delicately as she cheesed.

"Snog us." She giggled, pulling his face towards hers - puckering her glossy mouth as she leaned forward. The intense scent of alcohol that masked against her tongue pungently escaped her mouth - the smell hitting Cyrus' noise hairs as they tickled against his nostrils.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now