6 | ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍᴇʀꜱ

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Treat U Good.


"Wait man!"

Levi's monstrous footsteps rushed echoing against the narrow bricked pavement, his cry reflecting amongst the starry night sky whilst the street lamps dimmed his peripheral. His lungs struggled to store air causing his staggered breathing to deeply sound against the space surrounding him. The extensive years of smoking tightened his airways in such constriction that he felt strangled - triggering sharp yet hollow agony to secure his chest before halting him abruptly. Levi squeezed his eyes tightly shut, gathering his hands atop his head and allowing himself to walk at an appropriate speed - dragging his pace mere feet behind the two.

"I need- to stop smoking.. for real."

Inhaling and exhaling the large amounts of air that circulated, he eyed Sedora's movement as she gradually slowed down. Extending her arms out, she swayed them delicately - clutching the tall bottle of Hennessy that swished minimally against the glass whilst rocking her hips dramatically. The sleek wings of her leather jacket batted against the breeze as she stumbled in the thick black heels that cushioned her feet - its clacking thumped sounding small knocks against the dirty crevices of the pavement.

Cyrus smirked in amusement, his voice chuckling huskily as his eyes hung low from the heaps of deep drags the almost burnt out spliff he held in-between his thumb and pointer finger had caused. The small buzz of high was making him feel ecstatic and loose, his muscles relaxed and his head fell spaced - the sensation snaking through him like thrill.

He curved his arm around Sedora's waistline, bringing her closer to his dense body and reaching his hand to sit clutch against her pudgy breast. Sedora warmed up to his touch immediately - enjoying the muscular feel of his hand grasping on her bra-less boob. She sighed softly before resting her head against his shoulder comfortably, taking a small swig of Hennessy before her grip on the bottle was forcefully shortened.

"You don't want that!" Levi teased, wrapping his lips around the opening and downing the remains.

The quick action caused her to fright as her body involuntarily jerked back aggressively whilst she spat out the content in her mouth. She took a gasp of air before leaning hunched over and coughing harshly against her knees.

"What- are you doing?!- You fucking prick!" Sedora gasped in-between words. Her coughing signalled along the empty street as Cyrus threw the small bud of his joint on the ground and stepping on it to hash it out, he patted his hand toughly across Sedora's back - helping her gain air and overcoming the shock.

Levi stood struck as he placed the empty bottle to the side, grabbing her and leaning her body upright. He wrapped his arm around her tiny frame before kissing her forehead and wiping at the wet streaks that leaked from her tear filled eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, I ain't mean to do that." He assures, stifling a laugh as he watched her pout and cut her eyes.

"Fuck you." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around his neck and smooching his plump lips. The strong taste of Hennessy dabbing at his bottom lip as he deepened their latch - their tongues overlapping with Sedora's piercing rolling smoothly against his tongue.

Levi grabbed a hefty handful of her ass, the softness moulding in his palm - feeling the vibration of her moan murmur against his lips. Sedora unlatched her lips from his slowly, she licked at her bottom lip lustily before removing herself and taking hold of his hand - squeezing at it as he intertwined their fingers.

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 18+Where stories live. Discover now