The first day

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Obama pov:

After i was moved to a new school, it was different. Maybe i can start new and forget about the past. Its a little scary with only new people. I walked down the halls to my locker and walked past this guy. He had bunny ears and was about 5 inches taller than me. He had gray fur and bunny ears, he was stunning. I blushed as he bumped into and my books fell on the ground. I stuttered as i looked into his brown eyes. They were so dreamy. He picked up a book of mine and read out the title. ''You like romeo and juliet?'' -the guy looked at me. I replied stuttering still looking like a tomato. ''y-y-ye-yes..'' i snatch the book and ran. In class i stared at him..

In class:

I LOOKED LIKE A CRAZY PERSON STARING AT THIS BOY!!! My heart beating, just by a small interaction, i felt like i wanted to kiss him all over

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I LOOKED LIKE A CRAZY PERSON STARING AT THIS BOY!!! My heart beating, just by a small interaction, i felt like i wanted to kiss him all over.. He looked back at me but i quickly turned away. What if he saw me???????!!!!!! I would curl into a ball and die. The teacher talked about famous people with a lot of courage and he wanted us to create a presentation. He picked the groups. I looked around the class and realised my old best friend from long ago was here. DONALD??? i thought to myself as i watched him. He was here?? I could'nt believe it. I was shocked and then realised i was paired with my dream boy.. I shouted : ''NO''. Everyone stared at me.. It was awkward.. The bell rang and went to my locker.

At the Locker:

I locked at the plan. It was gym class, i grabbed my bag and walked away. In the lockers, i was the last one out and me and my crush were alone.. ''My names chungus.'' -he said and smiled. ''c-call me o-obama..'' -i replied. He walked over to me. And pinned me too the locker. I was too stunned to speak. He whispered- ''Be careful. sugar.'' He walked away.

'' He walked away

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After i went home:

I didnt take the bus, so i just walked. I couldnt get him out of my head. My heart wanted him. The memory of the locker stuck with me for the whole walk home. I was obsessed with him. I searched him on the internet, hes famous?? All the girls love him. I searched pictures for hours. I lay in bed and scrolled.. That was one day.. I got in bed and fell asleep.

 I got in bed and fell asleep

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Big chungus x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now