the second day

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Obama pov:

I walked down the hall only to see this figure standing next to my crush.. He was a little taller than me and had blonde hair it was trump.. He looked over and waved my heart dropped as i saw them.. holding hands. ARE THEY DATING??? 

Chungus peaked over trumps shoulder to see me and he waved

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Chungus peaked over trumps shoulder to see me and he waved. I felt normal again but still sad.. Trump looked disgusted. He was always so perfect, always better then me. But i got the courage to walk up to the both of them, my voice sounding like a bunch of stray cats choking on a tin of tuna in a garbage bin. ''h-he-hello..'' -i answered straining my voice trying not to feel sad. Chungus just waved, but trump looked at me disgusted 

 Chungus just waved, but trump looked at me disgusted 

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His looks hurt just as much as words. I opened my locker and just walked away. As i walked away i seen this poster. School dance for Christmas? Bring a date? I remember hearing about it before but never really acting to it. I heart started beating as i seen this new kid walk by, he was stunning. He had blonde hair and yellow skin tone, purple stripes on his skin looking like a few tattoos, he had a beak and a long bushy tail. We locked eyes and i smiled at him.

Later in class:

I was taking me seat, as at that moment i saw the boy, i blushed as he walked past me and sat behind in the chair. His tail brushed my leg and i felt shivers up my spine. The class began, we continued our project about famous people. They boy was paired IN OUR GROUP. I ALMOST DIED. I sat down and he pulled a chair. ''Im names thunder, thunder paw.'' Hes aid and went to shake my hand and so i shook it. I smiled at him. His eyes shined like diamonds.. But as soon as i stared into his eyes the bell rang, i packed my things and went home. I thought of asking thunder out.. but it felt wrong and right.

At home:

I opened the door and walked inside. The house was empty, i went upstairs and worked on the project. I started testing some new makeup and clothes i would wear for the dance in two days. 

I wore a pink suit, that my mother gave me before she got hit by an ice cream cone and fell into a coma

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I wore a pink suit, that my mother gave me before she got hit by an ice cream cone and fell into a coma.. I never wore it but it felt good. I took everything off and fell asleep.

Big chungus x ObamaWhere stories live. Discover now