The Angel, the Demon, and the Cat

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"Damn it, again?!?" James groaned as Mario wailed and fell off the screen yet again.

"The Koopa shells bounce off walls, so you have to jump over them when they come back," Andrew explained.

James sighed. This level was hell. Scratch that, this level was worse. He was from hell, and, as horrible as the mountains of paperwork and speakers constantly blaring Taylor Swift songs were, this level was much, much worse. At least in hell he'd been the top student in his graduating class, the dastardliest of all the young demons. Here, he was little more than an increasingly frustrated teenager who couldn't even make an Italian plumber get to the damn castle that probably wouldn't even have the princess (again).

What had happened to him? He'd come to Earth with only one mission: corrupt Andrew and doom his soul to hell. He was a demon, an agent of chaos and destruction. Why couldn't he complete such a simple task?

"Here, let me show you." Andrew carefully guided James's hand on the joystick, making Mario leap over a ricocheting Koopa shell. Far from the forcefulness demons used when ordering each other, this human was calm and gentle as his fingers brushed against James's.

Screw it. If he was going to abandon his mission, he might as well have some fun while he was at it. "So if I make Wario or whatever his name is grab that flower—"

A screech ripped through the house. If James didn't know any better, he'd think the pits of hell had opened right outside.

What he saw was a thousand times worse.

"What the hell is she doing?" James yelled as Marie ran across the lawn with a tiny outfit in hand. If it weren't for her wings and basketball hoop-sized halo that were invisible to mortals, James never would have guessed the bumbling girl was an angel.

A pitiful meow answered Marie's incessant blabbering. "Whatever she's up to is upsetting Void." Andrew powered off the console, condemning Mario to a void and James to the pitch-black cat. "Come on, we'd better see what she's up to."

James followed Andrew outside with his hands shoved into his pockets. It was just his luck that on one of the few days he wasn't stuck in high school— a place that made the darkest pits of hell sound like Disney World— he was stuck with the world's most incompetent angel and the fiendish feline who hated his guts.

At least he wasn't the only one who hated dealing with Marie and her two functioning brain cells. Void clung to a tree branch, lashing his tail and hissing as he glared at the angel.

"Could you guys help me get Void down?" she asked. "I bought him this absolutely adorable outfit, but he won't let me get anywhere near him."

"A wise choice," James said with a snort. Marie had about as much fashion sense as a colorblind orangutan. As if the neon yellow tutu covered in a rainbow of sequins wasn't garish enough, she also planned on forcing Void into a pink headband covered in so much glitter that it constantly rained sparkles.

Marie stuck her tongue out at him. "You're just jealous because I didn't make one for you."

"I'd rather dig to Antarctica with a spork than wear something so hideously—"

"Guys, stop it! You're scaring Void." Andrew squinted up at the cat who had gone from lashing his tail to licking his paw and rubbing behind his ears. "We have to get him down."

"I'll get him!" Marie yelled. "Then you'll both get to see how fabulous this costume looks on him."

James sighed. As long as this got that insufferable angel to shut up for five seconds, he couldn't complain too much.

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