Maximilian Pritchard: Guilty Pleasure

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Year: Max - Sixth Year

Maximilian "Max" Pritchard knew that it was wrong of him to do what he did. But he sometimes just couldn't help himself. He had to do it. It wasn't totally his fault. It was whatever that was in her blood that partially influenced him to do it. And besides, he was much better about it than other boys.

"Hey, Max!" Theodore Lupin, Max's best friend, greeted with a friendly smile. Despite having the ability to change his looks to however he wanted, Theo never took advantage of it. He kept his looks as they normally would have been, except for his forest green hair. He was tall and kind of thin with muscle.

Max cleared his throat, trying to not seem or feel guilty. "Hey, Theo, what's up?" Max and Theo were now in their sixth year together. And despite him being in Slytherin, and Theo being in Gryffindor, nothing would separate these two. And they liked it that way.

Theo shrugged as he sat down next to Max. They were outside, enjoying the nice breeze that October had brought, while the air hadn't completely frozen. Max had chosen a spot just close enough to the lake that he could do what he loved to do, and what he couldn't stop himself from doing.

"Eh, I was bored studying, so I thought I'd see if I could find you. And you're always here, so my luck was as good as ever," Theodore said with a grin.

Max smiled too, but inside he felt nervous. Had Theodore really noticed that? Did that mean that he knew what Max did out here? Surely not, or he would have said something by now. "I like it out here. It's nice, and the weather isn't cold yet," Max said casually.

"Thank Merlin for that, although it'll probably change soon," Theodore said with a sigh as he laid back on the grass. "But on the bright side, no big exams this year, and more free periods. So we get a bit more time to relax before next year."

"Don't we have so many free periods in order to study, though?" Max joked, making both boys laugh.

"Yeah, like I'm going to waste all of my time studying for what won't take until next school year," Theodore laughed.

"I'm sure your parents would love to hear about your work ethic," Max mocked.

Theodore scoffed. "Like yours is any better. I was at least studying this morning. What have you been doing all day?"

Max forced a weak laugh out while his insides shook. Theodore couldn't know. It was a harmless joke.

"Theo! Max!" a young voice called, and both boys looked to where it had come from. They saw two first year girls running their way, each recognizable. Fleur and Melody. Theo's little sister, and Max's niece.

Like Max and Theo, the girls were inseparable ever since they were sorted into the same House, Ravenclaw. Max personally thought that Melody looked just like his sister, her mother. And not just the blonde hair and blue eyes, but her face looked the same as his sister. And apparently the fact that her ears were a normal size meant she took after her mother too. Supposedly his brother-in-law used to have some big ears.

Fleur on the other hand must have taken after her father, since she didn't have the Metamorphagus abilities like Theo did, but looked very little like her mother. Her hair was a mousy brown color, and it fell down her back. But she had the same smile that Theo did, which was contagious.

Theo smiled at the two girls. "Hey, little sis, Mel. What's up?"

The girls moved to sit with the boys on the grass. "We're bored," Melody said simply.

"Ah, how I wish that I had time to be bored as a sixth year," Max joked. "First years don't know how lucky they are."

"Or how easy they have it," Theodore laughed. But Theodore leaned forward and ruffled his sister's hair. "Where's Gabby? I thought you'd have rather hang out with her than me, young one."

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