16. Haunted

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"'Ere, Yongguk's tea," Seonghwa said as he handed Hongjoong his mug. The pirate stared into the brown brew, pretending it was rum as he guzzled it down.

"We should arrive at the Buried Lagoon by tomorrow. 'Ow be ye feelin'?"

When Hongjoong put the mug away to reach for Seonghwa's thighs, his treasure readily let himself be guided into his lap. He wrapped his arms around Hongjoong, cradling his head against his chest with a coo when the grouchy captain burrowed into his neck.

"I 'ave so much I want to do to ye. So many ideas. That dress, yer lips smeared with red, the role ye played... So many things. Yet I am tied to the bed. An' nay e'en literally."

"I can tie ye down if it 'elps ye stay put," Seonghwa offered. He kissed Hongjoong's temples, getting nibbled at the throat in retaliation. Moments later, a dark mark blossomed. Blood would flow if anyone dared touch Seonghwa because Hongjoong was out of commission.

Chuckling at yet another claim when their rings were so blatant, Seonghwa carded his hand through Hongjoong's hair.

"Only if ye ride me after. I 'ave so many things I want to do. So many places to go. I'll go mad if I be restricted for much longer."

Seonghwa soothed him with his embrace.

"Avast a bit longer. If Yongguk can nay cure ye, 'e may be able to slow it down until we reach a jolly doctor. We will figure out 'ow much ye can do, then."

Hongjoong grumbled to himself, but he was compliant putty in his husband's arms.

"An' I would, just so ye know. Tie ye down an' ride ye."

Hongjoong closed his eyes to imagine Seonghwa, lips painted red and in that sinful black dress dominating him, yet taking him so well. A needy groan stifled in Seonghwa's shoulder.

"Ye be so jolly fer me. Me beautiful wife."

Seonghwa giggled at the term, coyly pushing his overgrown hair back.

"Anythin' fer ye, Pirate King. But e'en more than that, I want ye to be 'ealthy. So that ye can press me into the sheets until I can nay breathe as ye scuttle me," he breathed in Hongjoong's ear. Playful teeth tugged on its lobe and Hongjoong's breath hitched. His hands on Seonghwa's narrow waist tightened.

"Once I be at full strength. I will recover sooner than ye think, so ye better be ready."

"I will wait with me legs spread, presentin'," Seonghwa promised. They moaned in unison when Hongjoong twitched between them, but they treaded back into safer waters. Seonghwa worriedly brushed Hongjoong's loose hair back.

"Last time I needed ye so bad, an' spied ye like this, ye been dyin' under that cult's oppressive black magic."

He said it without a second thought, fingers busy braiding little strands of Hongjoong's hair to match the ones he did for Mingi.

After a pause, however, both of them stiffened. Their minds aligned when they shared the same thought.

Disbelief spread across Seonghwa's features.

"It can nay be," he whispered. Terror petrified him. Everything in Hongjoong yelled at him to hold and soothe his precious, but he couldn't move either. His heart was stuck in his throat.

Was the knot in his gut forming from dread or from realisation?

Did he want to know?

Seonghwa caught his breath first, but his eyes were so frenzied, his breath so quick.

"Be- Be this black magic? Another curse?"

Hongjoong shook his head. His grip tightened, pulling Seonghwa closer until they sat flush. They listened to each other's heartbeats going crazy with fear.

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