19. Tied Up

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Smut warning! Mild bondage and mild blood


Seonghwa was over the moon in gratitude. To him, there had never been a reason to second-guess going to the mirror world. He would have left without a second of hesitation. So long as Hongjoong would live, he could do anything.

Hongjoong appealed to his caution better, but ultimately, he caved under the desperation of his husband. They both knew it was a terrible idea. Not even Yongguk could fathom how dangerous the Abyssus was, especially without the mark of their umbras on them. But they had done it once. They could do it again. Like last time, they would bear all suffering to make it out together.

Once Seonghwa's rush of gratitude ended, he surged to press his lips to Hongjoong's. They tumbled into the sheets together, overwhelmed by Seonghwa's zeal as their mouths moulded into one. Hongjoong's gasp of his name to slow him down became a breathy whimper when Seonghwa nipped at him, cradled him close. He held Hongjoong impossibly tight, as if he needed to feel his heat with every inch of him.

Hongjoong gave in. The happiness washing over to two swept him away. Nothing was more precious than Seonghwa's delight. He raked his fingers into his husband's overgrown hair, tilting his head with gentle force until he could control the kiss. Pinned under Seonghwa's larger frame, he lost the sense of everything else.

"I'll make it come true," Seonghwa vowed between kisses. "Our world, this island. Our children, turnin' old together," he listed. Everything he wished for that was so mundane and easy for others. Somehow, to them, it was the most intricate fortune.

"We will always stay together," Hongjoong replied, soothing Seonghwa's stress. "Forever."

A word Hongjoong used hesitantly. Forever was a long time and he couldn't make such promises light-heartedly. But for Seonghwa, he would. For his crew, as well. They meant forever to him.

He needed to see them soon. To clarify the situation, catch them up on everything that went on behind closed doors. While they established their safety in the pirate's nest, Hongjoong was about to imperil everything they worked for yet again.

Although he would let anyone stay who wanted to stay. This time, they weren't forced to go together. If anyone feared for their life or their loved ones, they could relax and await their return. Especially Wooyoung and San made many advances and many regressions because of their umbras. Hongjoong understood if they wanted to treasure their brittle peace. They had come a long way from their prior loathing.

Seonghwa's hands dipped under Hongjoong's shirt, roaming up his scarred flanks and the planes of his stomach. When his thumbs caught onto his nipples and the captain sighed, the quartermaster sat up to undress them. Moments later, their bodies intertwined, naked as the day they had been born. Used to each other yet ever so enamoured, they traced their hands over each other's shapes lovingly.

Sometimes it was hard to convey all the love for Seonghwa in Hongjoong's heart through the prison of his flesh. It limited him, created a barricade. Today, too, Seonghwa couldn't be close enough. As the captain ignored his dizziness to hold his treasure close, Seonghwa sighed into his neck, completely enamoured.

"'Ow do ye want it, sugar? Let's celebrate by makin' yer wishes come true," Hongjoong suggested. Seonghwa's eyes blazed in joy and Hongjoong wanted to purr like a cat. This was what he liked. Not miserable, hopeless Seonghwa. He liked when those deep eyes were bedazzled with stars. When his crooked smile made him the most charming person on earth.

"Which surface 'ave I nay bent ye o'er yet? Which position be left fer me to eat at ye in?" Seonghwa chuckled. He kissed Hongjoong's jaw, trailing hot lips up to his ear. The captain's lashes fluttered when their hips ground into each other. He clutched Seonghwa's hips, helping his movements.

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