Chapter 19: Professor Sellzen

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Today is the second of September, the first day I will impart classes to the O.W.L.s students.

A few relevant things happened in the last weeks, like the meeting between professors and the attempt of the ministry to put someone of their own to teach DADA, only for the headmaster to announce my presence and show my N.E.W.T.s results to justify I'm qualified.

So, for now, there is no pink toad in the castle.

Another thing that happened was the mayor commotion that the disappearance of Azkaban caused. To the public, the prison has been enchanted to be invisible for "safety", but for those knowing the truth, the whole island was erased by a bright light capable of destroying even dementors. The unspeakables even used a time turner to see the cause, and they reported that a flying blonde woman was responsible of the incident.

Of course, even if they can use time magic to see the past, they can't interfere, otherwise reality will implode or something like that.

The order reaction was conflicted. On one hand, all dementors and death eaters won't join Voldemort, and, according to Snape, he is furious, so this may cause him to act harshly and reveal himself. On the other hand, an unknown individual capable of destroying a whole fortress is out there, and they don't know  "her" intentions or part in the war.

Now, it's time for classes. In the case of DADA, the lessons are imparted to one single house per lesson, with the exception of the sixth and seventh years.

As I see all of the Gryffindor students enter the classroom and take a seat, I close the door behind them, making them look at the entrance, but I dispel my [Invisible Air] and begin my speech, startling them and causing them to turn to see me sitting on the desk.

- Defense Against the Dark Arts, a complex subject that focus on the use of different spells to protect oneself and others from malicious creatures and, sometimes, other humans. My name is Freed Sellzen, and I'll be your teacher on this field during this year.

- Because of your teaching being rather disrupted and fragmented, today I'll be asking a few questions so I can get an idea of your level, especially now that your O.W.L.s are coming.

After testing them in the theory and practice with some spells like Incendio, Reducto, Expelliarmus or Flipendo, as well as asking them about werewolfs and counter spells, I talk again.

- Good job everyone. Now, some complicated questions. For starters, can anyone tell me the differences between regular magic and dark magic?

I see Hermione hand is the only one in the air, so I signal her to speak.

- The dark arts, also known as dark magic, is a term that referred to any type of magic that is mainly used to cause harm to, exert control over, or even kill people and creatures.

I nod at her and tell her:

- Correct, five points. However, if I use the levitation charm to throw some knives at a person, would that still be considered dark magic?

No one respond to this, so I respond:

- I see that no one knows. The correct answer is that there is no answer. The dark arts are ever changing and constantly adapt to the need of the wizard using them. However, all of them have a think in common: an overuse of them makes the user to become corrupted by them in some way, either by erasing the caster emotions, changing their physical appearance in some way or, in the worst cases, damaging the soul.

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