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Jimmy was tired, it'd been quite a long flight back to DC from Hawaii especially with the constant pain of his broken finger so the only thought going through his mind was to crash onto his bed and fall asleep.
He passed through the gates at the arrival terminal and walked out of the airport while calling an Uber, there was no way he was going to drive in those conditions.
After some time he arrived at home barely standing straight due to his exhaustion, he almost blindly unlocked the door and walked in.
The second he got in he smiled seeing her standing in front of him "Jess! Wh- what are you doing here ?" he asked softly as he put his travel-bag down on the floor near the door and getting closer to her "Your mom called me, said she was busy and couldn't stay here with Victoria, she even added that she tried to call the babysitter but didn't succeeded..." she explained before he cut her off "So she asked you to come over" he finished her sentence "Yeah" she replied with a small smile on her face "Did you two have a good time?" he asked "Yeah, we did. We had lots of fun, starting to think she likes me" she said ducking her head down while smiling slightly and he took the chance to kiss the top of her head.
She looked up at him and smiled even more but then her eyes flickered back down "How did that happen?" she asked while gently taking his injured hand in hers "I...ehm...busted my thumb by punching a guy" she caressed his cheek "Didn't know MEs could fight a guy and bust their thumb while doing so" she said playfully with a small smile on her lips "Why's that?" he asked, genuinely curious about the answer "Cause you're know everything about the human body so technically you should know how to punch someone without hurting yourself, thought I taught you right" she replied and he rolled his eyes "Done making fun of me already?" he asked while trying to sound annoyed but failing since he actually loved playful time with her.
She smiled slightly and hugged him tight "I'm so glad your home, sweetie" she said softly in his ear, he smiled slightly and kissed her on the cheek a few times "I'm glad to be back" he said as softly in her hair.
They stayed like that for a few minutes and then she ended the hug to jerk his travel-bag on her shoulder "Jess, honey, it's fine. I got it" he said trying to reach for it but she stepped away "You got nothing. Go in the living room and sit on the couch. I'll be back in a minute" she said firmly "Ok, Special Agent Knight" he said and did exactly like he was told.
Jess went upstairs in the master bedroom and put his bag down next to the closet, after that she went back downstairs and into the living room. She sat on the couch next to him and he immediately snuggled into her a little, after all that happened a little affection from a loved one was all they needed.
In those few months of their relationship she started to like, maybe even love, the time with him after work, he was more than what she saw at work and for sure wasn't going to give it up any time soon. They supported each other in difficult time and, as she had told him before, they had something good neither of them wanted to waste.
She stood up and he immediately held her hand "Where are you going?" he asked in a sleepy voice since he was about to fall asleep in her arms "I'll be right back" she kissed him on the forehead and disappeared in the kitchen.
After some time she came back with two cups of hot chocolate in hand "Here you go" She said as she handed a cup to him "Thank you, Jess" he said with a smile. She sat back on the couch next to him "Need help to hold it?" she asked softly "No, thanks, I'm ok" he said as softly and took a sip of his warm beverage "Mmh, my favorite. How did you know?" He said with a boyish smile "Victoria asked if we could make some hot chocolate for daddy when he came home, she chose it so I actually have to give her credit for that" she said and he chuckled slightly "It's great, remind me to thank Vicky tomorrow morning" he said and took another sip "Ok" she cleaned his upper lip from the chocolate and kissed him gently.

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