Seventh Letter

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Dear Cece,
this is my last letter. I'll be reunited with you sooner than you think. This feeling of loss is becoming unbearable. I've lived without you by my side more than I thought it could be possible.
I've lived a full life, but without you everything feels empty. I've done anything I could. Anything I wanted. Now it's time to go. I hope Monique will forgive me, but it doesn't really matter at this point. I'm so tired of fighting and there's nothing else I can give to this world that took so much from me.
My beautiful, lovely Celia, I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. Tomorrow, they'll find me, laying here, alone in my house and for a brief second they'll think I died alone and they'll be sorry for me. But then they'll find these letters. I want them to be found. This is my legacy, but also my way to tell the whole world how much I loved you, my dear. My last wish is for the news to talk about us. Some of them will probably call me a liar - which I am - but most of them will love our story. They'll understand why, Evelyn Hugo, after spending her whole life in the arms of seven different men, took her life just to be with the woman she loved again.
Please, keep my favorite side of the bed warm for me. I'll be there sooner than you think and all these years apart won't mean anything.
Wait for me, my love.


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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For my love, Celia St. JamesWhere stories live. Discover now