Sixth Letter

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My Dearest Celia,

I'm so happy today. It's a strange feeling actually. I haven't felt like this in a very long time, but apparently this is what you feel like when you finally tell the truth to someone.

Yes, you heard right. I, Evelyn Hugo, told the truth. Can you believe it? I've always been such a liar, but not today. Today was the day I've finally come to terms with the things I've done. I accept the consequences. My past is darker than anyone can think of, but now that everything is coming to light, it looks a little bit brighter.

Telling Monique about her father was painful. I got the chance to spend some time with her lately and all I could think was the fact that she looked so much like him. I have never met him when he was alive, but I've seen many pictures and Monique is his copy. And she's passionate and strong and caring just like the man our dear Harry fell in love with.

Not a day goes by that I don't think about the night I lost him. The day I chose to ruin the memory of the man my best friend used to love.

Now Monique is mad at me. I understand her. I'd be mad too, if I was her. At least she knows everything. No more secrets, no more black holes in her past. Now she knows her father was a good man who loved his family so much he was ready to give up the love of his life for them.

I'm almost ready to leave. I love you.

forever yours,

Evelyn Hugo

For my love, Celia St. JamesWhere stories live. Discover now