Chapter 10: The Second and Third Diagnosis

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Calithea closed the door behind her, letting out a sigh of relief at being free from the duke's prying eyes.

"Miss Calithea?" she turned to find Aldous standing no more than three strides away from her. Worry covered his worn features, making him look older than he did when she last saw him.

"Aldous," she smiled, coming forward, "did you stay to escort me?"

The butler didn't answer, only nodded while his lips pressed together firmly before turning his back and leading the young alchemist away from the duke's chambers.

Just before they reached the doors to Calithea's rooms, Aldous stopped, turning to look at her, "Are you alright?"

"Hm?" Calithea looked up, blinking owlishly.

"Are you alright?" Aldous asked again, clearly worried.

"I'm fine, honestly."

"No - I don't believe so."

Calithea blinked again as the butler came forward, resting his gloved hands on her shoulders.

"Calithea," Aldous began, "I know that you're feeling a bit out of sorts and you are not fine at all. As soon as I left the room, I feared something was going to happen. His grace did not hurt you, did he?"

"No, he just merely startled me... I think," Calithea answered, "His grace was acting a bit strange though. Is his ailment getting worse?"

"No, I don't believe so," Aldous answered with a nod, "And what do you mean by strange?"

"Well, every time I've crossed paths with him - he seems the exact opposite of what I've been told about him. They - some of the city officials, at least - say he's arrogant with little sympathy... that he's just like his father."

"You are correct in the assumption - it is typical of what anyone who experienced his cruelty first hand would say," Aldous admitted.

"But then why has he always been considerate of me?"

"Calithea," Aldous said after a moment of thought, "Personally, I'm not entirely sure myself why his grace has seemed to take a liking to you - it might be because of your selfless sacrifice, or it could be because of your abilities, or simply because you are a woman. I will say that he - and the rest of the staff for that matter - did not expect you to offer your skills in place of your father, never mind you're the first woman that isn't part of the household - staff or otherwise - to step foot on the estate's grounds."

"So I have been told," Calithea sighed.

"Yes, I'm certain Kaithen and Archar explained that to you," Aldous chuckled, "However, regardless of why he's taken an interest in you, you have earned his trust much quicker than any of us could ever hope - he only trusts a selected few in this house due to his condition as well as has a weariness from the four or more years he was in Calcheth at the palace. His grace spent a lot of time in the courts before their imperial majesties and witnessed many things - including attempted treachery and assassination at one point. It was due to this exposure that he has been weary of people ever since his return - never mind that particular encounter that night ten years ago."

"So he suffers a bit from paranoia as well?"

"Yes, it was much worse when his ailments were first starting. It has mellowed out, but not enough for him to be completely at ease. However, I don't blame him completely for wanting to keep people at longer than an arm's length - several alchemists, healers, and arch-mages did attempt to run away from their duties, breaching their contracts with his grace."

"Are you asking me to be careful and mind what I do?"

"I'm merely saying that it seems you do have some sort of, shall we say, hold over his grace. Personally, I've never seen him soften in a matter of seconds any time anyone - much less a commoner - crosses paths with him nor has he given anyone free roam over his private collection of books. It is also rare for him to say 'ask and you shall receive.'"

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