Christmas Party

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Angel felt anxious, pulling his oversized coat even closer to himself. Aki noticed but didn't say anything. Angel was heading to a Christmas party at a club that was hosted by people from Aki's work. Aki wanted Angel to get out more and meet his friends. He insisted that it would be good for Angel to make more friends, but Angel was personally okay with no more friends. He would be fine if it was just him and Aki on this Christmas Eve, but that would make it too much like a date. And Aki was straight, he was straight, damn it!

Still, since their snow day a week ago, Aki had seemed extra gentle with Angel, and a little bit more touchy as well. He leaned against Angel, touched the small of his back, and used a napkin to clean some food off Angel's face. Every time he did something, Angel felt his face get red. He wanted to push away Aki for touching him, but it felt so good to be touched by Aki that he couldn't find it in himself to do something about it.

"This is the place," Aki said, guiding him into a fairly large bar. It would be more than enough to accommodate the number of people that were due to come.

"Aki!" a woman chirped, running over as soon as they walked in, a bell going off to signal that someone had entered the bar. She practically tackled him for a hug while he awkwardly patted her back.

"Hi, Himeno..." he muttered.

"Did you bring–oh my god, he's so small!" Himeno gasped upon seeing Angel.

Angel didn't know how to react to that, but he knew he did not like how this woman was clinging to Aki. Jealousy writhed inside of his stomach and despite himself, he knew his face was screwed up into a frown. He hated how pretty she was, too. Damn it, why did Aki have to be straight?

"Hi, I'm Himeno," she said, finally releasing Aki from her grip. "I've heard so much about you, Angel!"

"Akuma," he muttered, looking at her warily. "Call me Akuma."

Aki also gave her a look that said that she was already overstepping boundaries, which was not uncommon for her. However, Aki was wanting to keep Angel's boundaries in place, because this was his first time going out in a group setting like this. He needed everything to be perfect, so he could help Angel truly be happy, and maybe so he would get the chance to dance with the other man.

"Yeah, sure, Akuma," Himeno said cheerfully, taking it in stride. "Come on, let me introduce you to everyone."

Angel trailed slightly after Aki, his nerves inevident to most people, but Aki was picking up on them. Aki's hand once again made its way to the small of his back, guiding him around. The contact was enough to make Angel feel embarrassed, and if you combined that with his nervousness at meeting and being around new people, it was bound to be an impossible night.

"This is Kobeni and her boyfriend, Galgali. This is Kishibe, he's our supervisor. Over there are Arai, Fushi, and Madoka, as well as their girlfriends. Then, from the other office, we have Quanxi and her girlfriends, as well as Nomo, Kato, Princi, Kusakabe, and Tamaoki. Aaand that's everyone! Do you want some beer?" Himeno asked, spinning to turn to Aki and Angel while grinning. "First one's on me."

"I hate beer," Angel automatically responded. "I need something sweeter. I'll get it myself."

Himeno shrugged. "Suit yourself."

Angel watched her head off towards the bar and found himself stepping even closer to Aki so that their sides were brushing up against each other. "She's a lot."

"She can be," Aki answered, shrugging.

"She's also the one you used to date, right?" Angel asked.

"She is," Aki confirmed.

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