Chapter 7. The meeting

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Sams POV

*few weeks later*

I took off, running down the dark alley I used to with amber, heaps of memories flooding through.

Suddenly, I'm on the ground, looking up I see rock hard abs.

He holds out his hand and I take it and he forcefully gets me up. He's got short, jet black hair and bright green eyes. So handsome, he's also got a lot of tatoos. He's so fucking hot, yum.

He picks me up and I'm now sitting on his lap, going out of my daze.

"Love the view hon" he sweetly says and I nod.

"Good" he seduces and he pulls me into a kiss. Tongues gliding around as someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around to see my sister. Her face red as she slaps the guy.

"Fuck off you rat" she snarls as he smirks.
"I'm her boyfriend, Jesse"
My mouth drops to the ground, did he just say he was my boyfriend?
I think amber was thinking along the lines of that and apologises softly as he nodded.
"Babe let's go to my house" Jesse smirks as I nod.
"Oh hell no" Amber yells and grabs my arm.
" what are you? Her mother?" Jesse questions as Amber rolls her eyes.
"I'm her sister, and Sam isn't going to your house, not anytime soon"
Jesse writes his phone number on my hand and I smile widly
"Call me" he kissed my cheek and walked off.

Amber and I started walking off and she spoke up first.
"He's not your boyfriend is he?"

I smiled widly and shook my head. She groaned and dragged me home.

When we got home, Michael had just finished his hours at the hospital and smiled when he saw Amber. He literally ran up to her and kissed her cheek, god I love them both together.

"Hey bub" he smiled as she just nodded, but I knew she loved him dearly, and so did he.

"Sam go call your boyfriend" amber teased as Michael looked up, confused.
"I'll explain later" I groaned. He nodded and cuddled Amber, i could tell she was cold because she gets goosebumps all up her arms. Michael is such a sweet guy, he loves her and she loves him.

I walked upstairs and locked my door, and Jesse was on my bed. He grabbed me and kissed me. I could feel fireworks everywhere he touched me.

***yuck scene***

He pulled off both our clothes. And touched me and I'm not going into detail, but it hurt at first but it was so good in the end, it's like a drug, he's like a drug. And I need it from now on.

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