Peint le en Noir

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     I wake up to a soft caressing of fingers in my hair - making my skin prickle and relax simultaneously. I slowly lift my head to see Eliza's hazel blue eyes open and looking at me drowsily. My heart leaps and clenches at the sight as her lips flutter ever so slightly into a soft and tired half-smile.
    "Hey." She whispers, her voice croaking slightly with the lack of use. She has been asleep for over 24 hours straight - despite the doctor telling me it was normal; I wasn't going to rest until I saw her open her eyes.
     But I guess I made a liar of myself. Because I must have fallen asleep with my head lying on her thigh last night at some point.
    "H-Hey." I whisper, sitting up all the way and scooting closer to her. "You're awake." I say, sighing with relief as her fingers weave into mine and squeeze gently.
    "And you look like shit." She says, biting her lip. She cringes though - forgetting that her bottom lip had been busted open and is healing. "Which means I must look like bloody hell." She grumbles, trying to sit up a little bit more. She lets out a strained breath as she holds back the look of pain on her face.
     I brush my thumb back and forth against her hand clenched in mine as I let out a soft unamused laugh - swallowing the gravel in my throat. She's most likely talking about the circles under my eyes and my unkempt beard and hair.
    "You look alive. That's all that matters to me." I say gently.
     "Something we can finally agree on, Detective."
     I snap my head towards the frosted glass door of the private hospital room only to see Angelo wheeling in slowly but surely. He thanks the dark-haired petite nurse who told him the location of the room and rolls further inside as she slides the doors closed.
     I let out the heavy sigh I wanted to-out my nose instead, tightening my jaw. "Angelo. What a pleasant surprise." I say tursely.
    "I thought you'd be a better liar considering your profession." Angleo iterates back, pausing at the foot of the bed and putting his hands in his lap. "Now, if you are quite done patronizing me. I would like to speak about family matters. In private."
    "Aidan is family, Angelo. Anything you say in front of me can be said in front-"
     "ALONE. Elizabeth. Respect my wishes." He says, clenching his jaw. He glances at me, and I roll my jaw before starting to stand. But Eliza tightens her grip, causing me to hesitate. I smile softly and lean down to kiss her forehead.
    "I'll be back later, Gorgeous. I'll even bring you that weird tea from that one place downtown." I say.
    "Really?" She asks, her eyes brightening at the thought.
    "Absolutely." I whisper, before kissing her lips tenderly. "If you need anything, call me." I add, before straightening up and walking out of the private room.
   Despite the fact Eliza would be furious that I stationed a officer outside her hospital room - I do it anyway. If I can't be there to protect her - a different uniform is the only other option I trust.
    Even if Angelo is there - he isn’t trustworthy.  Not to me. I don’t think I can trust anyone outside of Gio or Oti to protect her now.
I furrow my brow when my pocket vibrates a few times -letting me know my phone has received a text message.
       Huh, speak of the devil…

Come to this address. We have things to discuss.

The second text message consists of a location pin. I sigh heavily and rock my head back to look at the ceiling as I descend in the elevator - my head softly hitting against the solid wood and glass panel. From the tone of the text, it’s Oti wanting to talk to him.
So much for going home to take a shower and changing clothes.

    I pull up to a giant construction zone - a cloud of dust pluming behind the car as I park just inside the tarped up gated perimeter. Oti is at the opposite corner conversing with who is most likely the head architect for whatever project this may be.
    I step out of The Detective's vehicle, adjusting my shirt sleeves as I walk over to where Oti is. It's odd seeing his obsidian persona out in the daylight - it's almost more eerie than seeing him at night while he works.
      I slip on The Detective's Classic Black-Tortoise Shell Ray Ban shades  as I continue to tread carefully through the dust and gravel of the work-zone.
     "New Project, I presume." I say once I get into earshot. I continue adjusting my rolled up sleeves nervously before I come to a stop.
    Oti shoos the architect away after he signed something on his clipboard and looks at me through his midnight black Armani sunglasses. "You can say that."
    "Guess you really are planning to buy out all of Dallas afterall? Like father like-"
    "Don't TEST ME, Maile. You're here on business." He snaps, his jaw tense.
     "Fine. What do you want?" I ask, exasperated. "I'm trying to plan a getaway for Sirena and I. In case you forgot." I add, crossing my arms.
    "That's what you're here to talk about actually." Oti says, a smug smirk appearing on his lips.
    "You did hear the part about it being a GETAWAY right? Muerte said I could have this time to be with Sirena. Not WORK." I growl.
    "Consider it a 'two birds with one stone' situation, Maile. Don't get your panties in a twist." Oti snickers.
    I just roll my eyes and snarl.
   "If you want to continue being the Head of our Security…. you'll do as you're told." Oti says, scrolling on his phone for a few minutes before showing me a picture of a man.
     The man has a thick head of black hair, alabaster skin, a sharp bony jaw and nose, and thick angled eyebrows - one with a small nick of scar cutting through it. One of his eyes is hazel green, while the other one is brown.
    "Balthazar Collins. He's the target. He needs to NOT go to the Developers Expo in NOLA. By any means necessary - he is to NOT go to that party."
   "Any means necessary?" I ask, quirking my eyebrow up.
    "Any means necessary." He iterates, looking at me over his sunglasses. "He is the main threat to buying out a property I'm buying in Massachusetts. If he's NOT there, he can't buy it." He says, nodding his head back and forth respectively - putting his phone back in his pocket.
    "I sent the address, day & time of the Expo Party as well as the picture of him." He adds.
    I stay silent, ticking my jaw in aggravation. This trip to New Orleans was supposed to be a retreat for Sirena and I to reconnect. Not some hitman mission from hell.
    "If you wish, I prefer you don't let Sirena know about it. She's been through enough shit. I don't need her worrying about you. And I don't think you want that either."
    "You expect me to go to a fancy Expo Dinner Party without a DATE? Won't that be suspicious?"
    "I'll arrange one for you if you'd like. But older single men go there all the time. Majority of them are widowed or divorced. You and Sirena have been estranged enough to act the part well enough anyway." Oti snarks.
    I snarl, clenching my fists. "That's not funny." I seethe through clenched teeth.
    "Heel, Maile. I'm only pushing your buttons." He slaps me on the shoulder a few times before shoving me gently.
    "But, all business aside. Relax, have fun. Make Sirena whole again, would you? She's…been through some shit. And you two have a lot to talk about."
    "What's THAT supposed to mean?" I ask, feeling a bit accused of.
     Oti shakes his head. "That's something for HER to speak to you about. It's not my right to say."
    I clench my jaw again, and I'm surprised the thing hasn't shattered yet. I sigh through my nose and turn to 3alk back to the car.
    "Oh, here." Oti calls. I turn just in time to catch keys that thump against my chest and fall into my hand.
    "Keys to the castle. Just, try not to bust anything - it's in renovation. Muerte will text you the address whenever you guys head out." Oti adds.
    I swing the keys on my finger before grappling them in my palm, and nod.
    "See you later, Maile." Oti says with a mock salute and a little wave of his fingers, a smug grin on his face.

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