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I was expecting his tone to explode in anger - to bounce off the walls and reverberate against my guilty bones.
I wasn't expecting it to be so...

I swallow the fiery coals in my tight throat and clear it - my fingers trembling as I clasp and unclasp my hands together in front of me nervously. Instead of this revelation being a relief, a heavy burden lifting from my chest - it only seems to constrict me more and more.
"I...I...slept with-" I stumble like a newborn foal finding its legs.
"I heard you the first time!" He shouts, making a gasp catch in my throat like a fish to a net and my soul leap from my chest. I guess the anger finally boiled over after a short delay.
I hold back the hot tears and pained cries - swallowing them back; they won't do me any good anyway. I'm trying to stay strong - even if I feel so weak. I've always been so weak...
"I'm so sor-" I try to choke out, but I cringe back as Cerberus lifts a hand up.
"SAVE IT, Sirena." He growls at me - his glaring eyes cutting me in half. "You're not sorry for it - any of it. I know what kind of creature you are."
That stings - and I cross my arms.
"CREATURE? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" I snap loudly.
"You know exactly what I mean! You practically want to screw every man that has a dick! Physically and metaphorically!" He growls, pointing an accusing finger at me over and over.
My chest seizes on itself - a black hole of raw emotion. His words strike what little confidence I had in myself - like a bell tolling its final chime on a Sunday afternoon. He knows anything about my past with Matteo is a red flag.
"Well, GLAD to know I have such a fond reputation. Too bad I haven't been fucking YOU - because you sure as hell belong on that list right now!!!" I scream at him - shoving him out of the way before storming towards the stairs.
"Yes, WHY is that?! Why AREN'T you fucking MY brains out like every other man in Dallas?! Hm?? Please, elaborate! I'm dying to know!" Cerberus calls out as I continue to ascend the rustic freshly painted stairs.
"Because right now, you sure as hell don't deserve it!!!" I screech back, turning around and descending back down a few steps on the stairs.
"And I didn't sleep with EVERY man in Dallas, testa di cazzo! I fucked Malo. I had an affair with MALO. No one else." I say, my throat raw from yelling.

"Out of ALL the fucking assholes in Dallas?! You had to fuck the druggie piece of shit fuckboy?!"

"He's not like that." I snap, my voice losing its fierceness - its power.
"Bullshit. This is Matteo ALL over again!" He shouts. "Glad to know you have a type, Sirena. Too bad it's not guys like ME. They're pieces of shit!" He roars, taking a few angry steps closer to the stairs. His jaw is taunt, his brows furrowed so deep and tight it almost ages him.
"Maybe because I deserve that!!!" I scream, the last bit of energy I have left projecting out of me like a derailed freight train.

The silence is deafening.

The way Cerberus's face contorts into pity versus ferocious anger.
Pity I don't deserve.

I feel the tears stinging my eyes - threatening to leak over the edge. I sniffle before whispering out a choked "Don't." I murmur sharply.
"Don't what?" He says, his tone still stern and angry - but his voice is ten octaves lower and softer. I hesitate to move as he starts slowly ascending the stairs one at a time.
"D-Don't...PITY me." I say softly, louder than a whisper but not exactly loud enough for talking normally.
"Why not?" He asks gently, his eyes glued to me earnestly - calm, cool, and collected. The only hint of any frustration he still has is the furrow line between his perfect cinched brows.
"I...I..." I swallow the sand in my throat - licking my dry lips quickly. I watch Cerberus' eyes track the movement - his pupils dilating.
I snap out of whatever spell he is putting me under. "NO." I snip.
"No, what?" He asks, a hint of a smirk flashing over his lips before he goes back to cool and collected.

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