Ice Breaker

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     The bitter December cold outside frosts the windows of Aidan's townhouse - resulting in the cat AND the dog snuggling up in the bed with Aidan and I almost every night. It makes personal time both at night and in the morning slim to none.
     I brush Clyde's head softly and scratch gently behind his ears as he's curled up against my chest. While Aidan has Valkyrie pressed up against his back - making us squeeze tight against one another. I giggle softly when our noses brush against one another and Aidan presses a soft kiss to my lips. "Good morning." I say.
    "Mmm...Good Morning." He murmurs, his voice gravely and tight from sleep as he brushes some hair from my temple. Clyde's tail flicks gently in his sleep, tickling my chin.
     "I feel like it'll be a crime if we get up and wake up the kids." I say jokingly, rolling my eyes. I can't help but have a little pang in my chest as I crave for the saying to be true - beyond metaphorically talking about our pets as our children.
    They are, don't get me wrong.
    But it's not the same…
    "Mmm, but we have that Christmas Ball thingy at Lincoln Enterprises to go to. And it's already 1 in the afternoon." Aidan murmurs, adjusting his position a little bit to lean his head up on his hand on the pillow. I smack at his arm with the back of my hand with a snort
   "It's not a "BALL thingy" - Lord Over-Dramatic. It's just a Christmas Party for the staff and our clients." I snip, rolling my eyes as I continue to pet Clyde who is purring rhythmically against my chest and neck.
   "Yea, a BLACK TIE party. It's practically a BALL." He teases back.
    "You ARE going to be my date, right?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.
     "I have some things to tie up at work - but I can meet you there." He says, after a long yawn.
    "Promise?" I press, pouting my lip.
    "I promise, Gorgeous. I wouldn't miss it." He murmurs against my lips before kissing me tenderly. I mewl softly into the kiss, and try to lean further in to deepen the kiss - however the furball curled up against my chest lets out a low yowling growl of protest before he stretches and jumps away grumpily.
     We both chuckle softly at Clyde apologetically as he stretches and shakes out his chocolate brown legs-  swishing his tail irritably before jumping off the bed with a soft thud.
     I giggle softly as Aidan flicks the bedsheet up and over us as he crawls over me and kisses my neck and chest feverishly - his beard tickling and scratching at my skin softly.
     I squeal and squirm as he tickles my sides and pins me down by straddling me. "Nooo! Aidan! S-Stop it!" I huff out as I try to fight him off but purposely not succeeding. "Babe! The party is in a few hours! I have to start getting ready!"
     "You really think I need that long to get us there? Damn…I need to up my game." He teases, cupping my jaw with both hands and looking into my eyes before kissing me gently. I let out a giggle at his words.
    "Your "GAME" is just fine. It's just ill timed." I say as he whips the sheet off of us and moves to the side so I can sit up and swing my legs over the side of the disheveled bed.
     "Hmm…story of my life. Our alter egos get ALL the fun in New Orleans - minus a leisure trip to a Botanical Garden - and MY timing is 'ill timed'." He says with a laden sigh as he lays back down on his side of the bed with a heavy plop. Valkyrie whines softly in content as she gets up and starts licking his face and rolling over on top of him - resulting in him rubbing her chest and belly.
     "Babe, you know what I mean. Don't be so over dramatic." I say, smacking him lightly with my pillow before standing up and heading towards the shower. I turn it on and head over to the towel warming closet to grab a couple towels. While the water warms, I prep my beauty skin care routine and other do-dads on the counter. I smirk as I look at myself in the reflection.
   "Hey babe!" I sing-song. "The…uh, time constraint doesn't keep us from…getting ready together." I offer, biting my lip when I hear the sheets on the bed whip sharply and footsteps clamoring into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. I squeal and giggle when he man-handles me and carries me into the hot rainfall shower with laughs and hasty stripping of clothes.

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