Chapter 1

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There are many oceans and seas around the world, but none are as life-threatening as the deep, blue waters of the Gravity Seas. Some only know it as a myth, or parents use it as a story to threaten their kids, saying they'll throw them in if they don't behave, but a true pirate knows the truth. None ever dare, however, to step into the waters, fearing that it is a life sentence. Tales of uncontrollable waves, fierce wind blows, and unimaginable sea creatures put a label on this place, warning people to stay away from it, except for one.

The title of the bravest and most feared pirate ever known to man is given to the one named Bill Cipher. Known for his many tricks and schemes, he is notorious for always getting what he wants, no matter the cost. Despite being young for his age, he is the captain of his own ship that has sailed all over the world where one could find water; finding unspeakable treasures and taking down anyone who has ever dared to get in his way. Even though he is most known for going into dangerous caves and not being afraid of pushing even his crewmates overboard, he is feared for something much more.

There have been tales from his old crew and those he has fought that he is an absolute madman. Saying he is reckless was an understatement; most described him as psychotic. There had been times he was willing to dive into the deepest seas simply to retrieve a pearl, the time he had murdered a man simply with the slash of his finger, and the time he had led them straight into a whirlpool and he came out completely dry. Some of his crewmates also mentioned that now and then he would let out a loud, black-hearted laugh for no particular reason, and he would laugh harder when bringing the end to someone's life.

When he mentioned that he was tired of sailing the same old, boring seas, Cipher informed his crew that he was ready for something more; he wanted to journey into the Gravity Seas. Knowing him, they all knew he was dead serious and none dared to partake in the journey he was looking for. His whole crew left except for his second-in-command, who had been with him through it all, Tad Strange. Not letting these weaklings ruin his voyage, Cipher announced that he would look for a real crew that would join him.

He set off to find this crew, though most believed he never would, and after he left, no one had ever heard from or seen him again.


"Why do I always have to mop the deck?" Teeth, one of Bill's crewmates, whined after hearing what chore he got for the day.

"You wouldn't be complaining if the captain told you this," Tad replied while sending a cold glare as he passed the other chore lists to the other crewmates, "Or would you like me to tell him what you said and get thrown overboard?"

Teeth immediately regretted what he said and quickly shook his head at him. "Nope! There's no use in telling him. In fact, I love mopping the deck! Can't get enough of it!" he exclaimed quickly before biting his lip with his set of overbite teeth, which is what gave him his nickname.

Tad just rolled his eye and looked at the crew, "Good. Pyronica, both you and 8-Ball will be reloading the canons together, so if you're done before him, please assist him this time, and don't just laugh at him while you wait again. And Kryptos, I swear on the Axolotl, if you break another lamp when cleaning my room you'll be wishing you were never born! Now, these all better be done by noon or you'll have to wait till sunset to have your next meal. Do I make myself clear?!"

They all gave a salute and shouted, "YES SIR!" before rushing off to do their chores.

Tad nodded and went up the steps to approach his captain, who was at the wheel. Despite most ships having a sailing master, Bill was the only one ever at the wheel, for he claimed that he was the one in control of the ship, the one known as The Mindscape. His captain had a black eyepatch over his right eye and wore a fine white poet shirt under a dashing, yellow frock coat, with black, slim tights that matched his tall, leather black boots, and topped it off with his black tricorn hat outlines with gold pieces.

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