The Residence.

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Number four Privet Drive.

A perfectly normal household.

Home to a perfectly normal family.

The Dursleys.

The two boys living in the stairwell cupboard didn't count, they were never considered to be a part of the Dursley's.

After all, they didn't even share last names!

Y/N and Harry Potter, the two boys in question were peacefully sleeping in their cupboard until they were awoken by the banging on their door.

"Up! Up,  right this instant!" Was all that flooded the two's ears as they rushed out of the cupboard, not wanting to face this woman's wrath.

There the two stood, the older one taller than his younger sibling. Even though they were twins, Y/N would always love to tease Harry about being the younger one. At least to what Aunt Petunia had told them, but it's not like they could ask questions, since one of the rules of the Dursley residence was to 'not ask questions.'

While waiting for either Aunt Petunia's or Uncle Vernon's orders, they had decided to quietly clean up in the guest washroom near their 'room'.

Looking at both their faces, the younger twin sported a pair of round glasses to cover his emerald green eyes while the other didn't require glasses which showed off his blueish-gray ones. Both of them were quite skinny since they were not fed well by the overly plump Dursley family, Y/N even more so since he would give his portions to Harry, being the older brother and all that.

Outside of all of that, Harry had something to differentiate from his older twin. A lightning bolt which scarred the top of his forehead, seemingly told that it was a product of the car crash their parents died in, this too was not asked further.

After cleaning up the best they could, they reluctantly entered the kitchen to see Petunia cooking up some bacon and eggs. Turning to look at the two with almost a disgusted face, she had ordered them to:

"I want you two to look over the bacon and eggs, so don't either of you two try to mess anything up, I want everything perfect for Dudley's birthday."

And as if on cue, the big-boned boy had bounced down the stairs, almost breaking them at each step he took. He walked into the living room, which contained a large number of presents scattered all across the room.

"How many are there?" Dudley had asked, not having it in himself to count them.

"Thirty-seven son, I had made Y/N count them all." Vernon proudly boasted, making the 10-year-old not very amused.

Dudley was born a couple of months before the twins, unfortunately making himself the oldest cousin of the three, much to the displeasure to the Potters.

"ONLY THIRTY-SEVEN? Last year I had gotten thirty-eight?!" Dudley shouted back, his big face turning red as he could barely contain his anger due to fewer presents.

"W-We'll buy you another two presents while we go out for your birthday, okay? Another two presents." Aunt Petunia quickly said back to Dudley, not wanting to deal with his extreme tantrums.

"Thirty... Thirty t-" Dudley tried to speak, showing his lack of math skills as a 12-year-old.

"Thirty-nine, Dudley." Y/N groaned, getting tired of Dudley's slow thinking, making him even more red from the embarrassment.

Seeing Y/N embarrass his son by being able to solve pre schooler math, had caused Vernon to stand up in outrage, his face as red as Dudley's. He quickly slapped and grabbed the boy in question, practically dragging Y/N back to his cupboard, shouting profanities the whole way. Locking the door from the outside. 

Now waiting for either Harry to come back to the cupboard or for Uncle Vernon to allow him to leave again, Y/N had decided to pull out a book and start reading. It was surprising to see the Dursley family even allowed Y/N to keep a book in the first place, but instead of dwelling on it, he decided to make the most of it and read the time away. It was one of his escapes from this hellish environment he found himself in, reading during the night while everyone had fallen asleep. Harry, on the other hand, could care less about books which allowed Y/N to read peacefully alone.

He had waited for quite a long time as there seemed to be no sounds coming from outside the cupboard after he finished reading his book. As he leaned his head towards the door to hear the outside, the door had flung open due to the weight of him leaning on it, smacking the wall it was hinged to. For some reason, the door was secretly unlocked while he was reading. He had closed his eyes to prepare for the oncoming onslaught of hits coming his way after creating such a loud noise.


Re-opening his eyes, he looked around to see nothing near him, no shouting, and no Uncle Vernon hitting him. Not even Harry was to be found.

It seems like he was forgotten here, with the Dursleys taking Harry somewhere. As he pondered on what to do, he thought about escaping the house. After all, there was no one to stop him right now from doing what he pleases. He eventually decided against it, not wanting to leave Harry alone to deal with the aftermath if he were to leave.

Y/N finally decided to just sneak food into the cupboard and wait for their arrival, realizing Harry would probably do something to get himself in trouble, whether intentionally or not. Since the Dursley's have some sort of vendetta against the Potter twins, any minor mistake either of the two had done would get amplified to make it seem it was a world-ending issue.

After for what seemed to be an eternity, the cupboard door was opened to reveal Harry crawling in, trying to hold in his smile, while Uncle Vernon was behind him, enraged even more so than from this morning.

 "What's got his knickers into a twist?" Y/N quickly asked Harry after he closed the cupboard door, wanting to hear the things Harry did to piss off Vernon.

Harry began to explain his trip to the zoo, trying his best to describe the zoo in detail since Y/N had never been inside of a zoo before, since they were rarely let out of the house.


"And then, Dudley had fallen into the snake pits! He passed out and almost pissed his trousers!" Harry exclaimed, trying to breathe after laughing so hard from remembering.

"Wait, wait hold up a second." Y/N interrupted, also out of breath due to laughing at Harry's story.

"So, you're telling me you talked to snakes? Isn't that really odd?" 

"I mean, when you say it like that it does sound kind of weird." The younger one replied, now realizing how weird it was for that whole event to happen.

"Are we like part snake or something?" Y/N asked, completely glossing over the fact that the glass housing the snake had vanished.

The twins had looked at each other with questioning gazes, before exploding in laughter from the idiotic question that was asked.

"SHUT YOUR TRAPS BEFORE I LEAVE YOU BOTH LOCKED IN THERE FOR LONGER!" A cranky old voice had exclaimed, forcing the two to stifle their laughs.

Finally after calming down, the sad and quiet atmosphere of the Dursley residence had returned, stronger than ever. Although it was quickly interrupted by the rumbling of Harry's stomach as he had tried to fall asleep.

"So I guess no one gave you food while you were at the zoo right?" The older Potter had asked, and was only met with a slight nod from his younger sibling.

"I knew it, go check your bag then." Y/N sighed, disappointed but not surprised from the Dursley's actions.

Harry opened his bag and to his surprise, it was filled with all sorts of foods and snacks. His face now filled with glee, he turned to look at his brother who had now seemed to be asleep.

"Thank you, Y/N."

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