Letter From?

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For causing trouble on Dudley's 12th birthday, the Potter twins were subjected to their longest punishment yet, lasting until the summer holidays had begun. To which neither Potter was excited for, even though they no longer had to deal with the horrendous public school they attend for at least a few months, they were still in for some issues.

Dudley and his 'gang'

Ever since school had finished, a small group of Dudley's friends had come over to the Dursley residence every day to do two things. Play with Dudley's birthday gifts, with most already broken within the first week of his birthday. And the second, to which they believed to be much more entertaining than the gifts.


This caused both of the twins to wander outside of the house for as long as they can. Wanting to escape from the house, it was unfortunate, since there was no feasible method for two 11-year-olds to escape from a difficult family. All of the appliances were now locked off to the two or was under heavy supervision when they were using it, not being able to sneak out more food for them to eat.

It wasn't like they were able to run away either, the Potter twins were associated with the Dursleys, with the latter being known as the caretakers of the two. And due to the fake attitude the Dursleys show out in public, no one would believe the two if they were to tell others of their true colours.


"Both of you will be attending Stonewall High." Vernon spoke to the two, not even looking in their direction.

Now, Stonewall High was your average comprehensive high school on the outside, but it had one of the worst reputations of all schools in Surrey. Known for carrying many delinquents and troublemakers, Stonewall was a school to avoid for any normal family. 

"And Dudley my boy, you shall be attending Smeltings Academy, my very own alma mater." He boasted, ignoring how much money he 'donated' to ensure his son's place in the academy.

Before any more words were spoken, the metal clink of their letter box had taken all of their attention, followed by sounds of letters softly falling onto the doormat.

"Go fetch the post, Y/N." Vernon spat, to which the 10-year-old boy complied to, not wanting to start a fight so early in the morning.

A/N: (I realized that I placed them as 11 years old in the other chapter which is wrong, I have now changed them to be in tune with the source.)

While lazily grabbing the mail from off the ground, Y/N's eyes had shot open at the sight of two special envelopes.

Mr Y/N. Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


The envelope was thick and heavy, made of yellowish parchment, and the address was written in emerald-green ink. There was no stamp.

This had made Y/N quite nervous, after all, there was no one that the Potter twins would call friends. Having someone write to him, in a old looking letter was bound to cause some chaos.

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