"I didn't know being drunk made you stupid, Kacchan.."

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"Thanks again for the drinks, Bakugo! But.. you barely had a sip man." Kirishima laughed, he was only slightly drunk. Meanwhile Denki, who'd completely lost it was trying to spin around in the car. Katsuki who was already annoyed had his arms crossed standing outside the front door, "You two are idiots, I told you.. I don't drink, Tsk.." Katsuki replied, Denki rolled down the window and yelled, 

"KACCHAN IS GAY FOR MIDORIYA - SENPAI!" Kirishima burst out laughing, meanwhile.. Katsuki gritted his teach angrily. "TAKE HIM HOME ALREADY, DAMN IT!" Katsuki unfolded his arms, ready to explode the two of them. "Okay, okay! Night Bakugo!" Kirishima waved, running to his car and driving off before Denki had anything else to say.

It was 11:34 as Katsuki walked back into the house, Izuku was on the couch already asleep. He was cuddled up with a pillow he looked exhausted, well.. he'd been on patrol all day. Katsuki understood why, he'd picked him up and began walking upstairs towards the bedroom.

Finally reaching it, he set him down before also laying down next to him and scrolling on his phone, "Goodnight.. Kacchan," Izuku mumbled, before rolling over, Katsuki was now on the right side of Izuku's shoulder. Fast asleep, both of them looked peaceful as they were now completely knocked out.

The next day, 4:30 PM..

Katsuki walked into the kitchen, turning on the light. "Damn it.. those idiots drank so much, how the hell did they even survive that drive home?" Katsuki questioned himself, cleaning up the bottles. There were a few full ones, Katsuki stared at it for a moment.. and stared.. and stared... until. 

"Kacchan, could you help me?" Izuku called out from the living room, he was trying to fix a door hinge, but didn't really know how. There was no answer when he called out to Katsuki. "Kacchan?" Izuku called out again, as he began walking towards the kitchen. "Ka--" Izuku stared, stunned at what he saw. Katsuki on the ground, with a bottle in his hand..

"Wah.. I think I'm drunk, Izuku." He looked up at him, smiling. "KACCHAN, WHEN DID YOU START DRINKING?!" Izuku yelled, completely confused. Kacchan had never drunk! Why was he drinking now? Izuku thought, Izuku dragged Katsuki to the living room and sat him down on the couch.

"KACCHAN, WHY THE HELL DID YOU DRINK?! ..WHEN DID YOU START TO DRINK?" Izuku scolded him, Katsuki just stared and stuck out his tongue, Izuku turned a bright red, his eyes sparkles. "Okay, damn you're cute." He said, almost fainting.

They were now in the bedroom, Katsuki was sitting there and he looked dumbfounded. "okay, Kacchan! You stay there. I'm gonna go make you some soup!" Katsuki blinked twice, confused. "What's soup?" He questioned, genuinely confused. "I didn't know being drunk made you stupid, Kacchan!" Izuku smiled before walking off.

"30 more minutes until the soup is done.. what is Kacchan doing?" Izuku thought, before turning around and going back to the bedroom. He slowly creaked the door open "Oh cupcake!~" and there he saw. "Kacchan, why are you doing a handstand on the bed? You're gonna hurt yourself." He stared at the blonde, confused. "Woof?" Katsuki said, before face planting straight into the bed covers. 

Sleep time! <3

Katsuki was laying on Izuku's right shoulder, like the night before. They were both peacefully laying there, resting their eyes.. until. "It's time." Katsuki's eyes opened widely, Izuku stared at him confused. "..It's time? for what Kacchan?" he asked, staring blankly. Katsuki stared at the covers. Izuku blinked for a moment. Then Izuku gasped, "Is Kacchan talking about.. Midnight Smashing?!" He thought, before turning back around and facing him. "I know your drunk, but no need to be a shy cupcake!" Katsuki stared at him confused.

"..Midnight smashing." Izuku whispered, Katsuki's eyes went wide.. before. "A-A-A.. ACHOOO!" Katsuki sneezed loudly, "KACCHAN!-"

Have you drank water today? Ilysm, GO DRINK WATER.. HYDRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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