"If Kacchan was a dog??" 😳

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..Not long ago, I adopted a dog.
But, not really an ordinary dog.. more like a really big dog, ..Human big dog that is,

Furry? nah, he was an actual dog, weird right?..

First meeting..

I was walking down the road, I had a hat and a raincoat on, I was holding my All Might looking umbrella, When I heard slight rustling in the bushes, ". . .Hello?" I said quietly, obviously if it was a villain it wouldn't be too big of a deal. I was the No. 1 hero, I could protect myself. I saw a strand of blonde hair peak out from the bush, it didn't move. And then.. a tail? a dog? a cat? I didn't really know till I inched a bit closer, it was a dog.. a really big dog. Human sized.

He was unconscious, and soaking wet. I decided to take him in for a little, obviously I couldn't let him stay out in the rain. He could get sick, or even worse, if I knew the amount of injuries he'd actually had, he could've died. If I left him out there, thankfully I didn't. I picked him up, ever so slightly and once I'd gotten to my car I put him in the backseat, that way he could lay down a little. 

I was only able to see a few injuries, they didn't look fatal. So that was a good sign, I began driving home.


"Poor thing, he's all injured.." Izuku thought to himself, staring at the oversized dog that was laying down in the guest bedroom. "..He's quite large, not hard to miss. How come nobody helped you?" He questioned, beginning to mumble things to himself, before snapping out of it. "I should make him some food, he'll probably wake up soon." Izuku whispered, before putting the covers over him and walking out of the room. Shutting the door as quietly as he possibly could.

24 minutes later...

"..10 more minutes!" Izuku smiled happily, setting the soup down on the stove, he heard something fall, ". . ." He turned around and saw the bedroom door open slightly, he crept towards it. Had the "Dog" woke up? He thought to himself, not wanting to startle him.

He opened the door all the way, as he had a plunger in his hand he held it up. "WHO ARE YOU?!" He yelled, shutting his eyes as he swung the plunger around. "WHAT THE FU--" Someone yelled, as he heard a small growl, and it sounded way too real to have come from a human.

"AH!" Izuku yelled, opening his eyes and seeing a large sized dog with two legs standing infront of him. "..It's okay, I won't hurt you!--" honestly, Izuku was a little startled, as he set the plunger down, the dog seemed to calm down a little bit. He didn't know it's name though, "Uh.. if you're hungry, come outside!--"

Izuku said, trying to gain the trust of the dog in his room, as he backed up slightly before shutting the door again and walking back to the kitchen.

It had been a month since Izuku found the dog, he decided to name him Katsuki.. but began calling him "Kacchan," I guess he learned to listen to the name "Kacchan." instead of "Katsuki,"


"Ah.. when is Uraraka - san going to text me??" Izuku began to panic, mumbling to himself. Uraraka had went on a mission and Izuku was assigned to go with her, but there was one problem, Uraraka hadn't been answering him, and well.. he didn't really have her exact location. Because he wasn't a stalker, obviously.

Katsuki was sitting next to Izuku, "KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled, startled as he had no idea Katsuki was even there, until he felt a fluffy ear brush against his arm as Katsuki sat there smiling. Izuku patted Katsuki's head.  "YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!" Izuku yelled, probably going to faint from the cuteness. 

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