harrison osterfield angst blurb

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"Okay, okay I'm coming geez!" you yelled rushing towards the obnoxious knocking on your door. You didn't bother looking through your peephole, knowing that if the loud noise continued, you'd be hearing it from the old lady next door in the morning. Once you swing the door open you didn't hesitate to try to slam it back into Harrison's face.

"Y/n wait," he said, preventing the door from closing by slipping his foot in between.

"What are you doing here?" you asked bitterly.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said with pleading eyes.

"Well, that's funny, because I really don't want to talk to you," you hissed at your best friend.

"Daring if you'll just listen to me-"

"I don't want to, Harrison," you grumble, giving up and letting him in. You fell back on your couch and turned on your tv with full plans to ignore him. He snatched the remote from your hands and turned it off, standing in front of you.



"Shouldn't you be with your little girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend," he huffed, crossing his arms and making you laugh bitterly.

"Sure looked like it when you couldn't keep your hands off her right after telling me how much you love me."

"I do love you," he reassured.

"Sure." He rolled his eyes and grabbed your waist to pull you to stand in front of him.

"I am so in love with you Y/n you have no bloody idea," he whispered.

"As much as your girlfriend?" you whispered back teasingly. He answered with another eye roll and before you knew it his lips crashed onto yours. You tensed for a second before relaxing into him. You gripped his shirt tightly and he pulled you closer by placing his hand on your lower back.

You broke apart to breathe, pressing your forehead against his.

"If you love me so bloody much, why don't you show me?"

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