Some Flowers Please..?

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Zayn's POV

I returned to my hotel room, showering one more time, even though I just showered this morning, I want to smell nice. I never realized how terrible I smelled when I smoked until a friend took me out one night and we had to walk past people who were smoking, my clothes smelled terrible, I had no idea I was a walking cigarette until that night. I'm surprised my friends could even stand to be around me.

My hair always dried rather quickly so I had to style that first, using tricks Lou had taught me I carefully combed it, used minimal product and just let it fall where the blow dryer wanted it to. Styling my hair makes me think about Lou, I should call her, check up on Lux, call Caroline. It's crazy how you can let time get away from you, you don't call someone for one day, that one day turns into two, then a week, then a month. Someone you used to speak with every day, it just falls by the wayside.

I decided to take a taxi instead, it's a bit faster as you don't have all the constant stops. Well you think it will be faster but with the traffic it probably would have been faster to just take the train. My feet are tapping to the stupid music my driver is playing, I don't pay that much attention to it, looking out the pedestrians walking about the city. They breath life into this place. You can't go down the street without seeing someone. Always something to do on the weekends, all though I've taken to just sitting in my hotel room and enjoying not having things to do all the time.

We arrive at the flower shop and I pay the driver. He hasn't asked me a million questions so I give him a generous tip, I know people know who I am but I respect when they don't ask a ton of questions. I did sign something for him; his daughter is apparently a big fan. I wipe the palms of my hand on my thighs as I inch closer to the door. I take note at the flowers and balloons that are displayed along the front window. I open the door and a little bell goes off to announce my arrival, my nose is instantly assaulted with the smell of fresh flowers. I'm not good at identifying them but they always smell amazing.

I walk around, storage coolers filled with arranged flowers, flowers in buckets, random teddy bears and glass vases.

"I'll be with you in a minute!" Someone shouts out from the back. I look toward the desk and don't see anyone.

"All right." I speak back to the voice. Is this my mystery woman? Her voice is not how I remember it, all though when she did "speak" to me on the train she wasn't shouting.

I hear a few steps creaking and a woman sigh, coming into view. It's her. She wipes the stray hairs away from her face, her hair all pulled up into a bun since I saw her this morning. Will she recognize me? Will she dislike me?

"Sorry about that sir, I was on the phone with a customer, what can I help you with today?" I lean over just a tad and see her ankles crossed as she leans against the counter, her toe pointed. She's wearing skinny jeans, black flats and a plain red shirt.

"Um, yes, I need some flowers." I don't really know what to say, after I say it I mentally face palm, I probably sound like an idiot.

She giggles a little bit, tucking another loose strand behind her ear. She's got diamond studs in, small studs, nothing flashy. "Well you've come to the right place then." She smiles. "May I ask who they are for? Might give me an idea with where to go from here."

I'd like to believe I think quickly on my feet but that's not the case. I just stare at her for a while before she clears her throat and I snap my attention back. "Right, sorry, my mum." Lies. If I was going to send my mum flowers I'd just call one of the shops in Bradford and have them sent to her. But Lucia doesn't know that. If she knows who I am, she hasn't said it yet. I do look a little different as my hair has grown out, it's a little disheveled, and I've filled out a little bit, not so skinny.

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