crazy on the inside

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(Not edited, I'm really tired)

Nora's POV

My alarm went off, all the way across the room, forcing my body to wake up. I used to have it right next to me but I pushed snooze too many times and missed a few too many classes one semester. Since then, it's been across the room. I've gotten quite good at hitting it with my pillow but one can only do that so many times before your mom and grandmother come in and yell at you. In Italian. Being yelled at in Italian is intimidating, even if I know it.

I flip the covers back and pull my feet out, I got a decent rest, I'm sure I had a dream of Zayn. It's Friday, he's been coming in every week with lunch for me. It's been so sweet I don't really know what to do, he never allows me to pay, comes to my shop, asks where we should eat and then returns with it. We haven't exchanged numbers, I'm sure if he wanted to he could call the shop but he doesn't. I find myself dressing just a little bit nicer, or waiting until he's gone before I put my hair up in a bun. Shelby has given me so much crap about him coming there and our "lunch dates" but I can assure them we're just friends. He hasn't said otherwise so that's just what I'm going with.

I stand and stretch, I despise getting up when it's still dark outside but such is life I guess. I make my way to the bathroom and shower, my shower's always have the hottest temperature allowed, my skin is usually red by the end of it but it feels so nice. So relaxing. I've always done my hair and makeup in my room. It's towards the back of the apartment so I feel like it makes less noise when I blow dry it. Plus, three people, one bathroom, you make due. Albert keeps rubbing his face against my legs, I've just put lotion on so now I suddenly have bear legs. I shoo him away while I dig for my usual jeans and plain shirt. I would love to wear a dress but working in the coolers downstairs is too cold on my legs, and all the bending, moving, lifting I want to make sure my clothes are secure and I don't have to worry about flashing my underwear at someone.

After a quick blow dry, going for the natural hair look today, which usually means messy, partially straight in some parts, wavy in others. My hair doesn't quite cooperate and usually ends up in a bun around mid day so I don't bother to fix it up. I can hear the radio on already, Nonna likes to listen to classical music in the morning as she makes a food plan. Ever since she retired she's been one for big meals. Before, when she worked with Nonno, she made a lot of food but it was mainly on the weekends. Nonno would help, he would try at least, she would always slap his hands away and push in out. He took to gardening upstairs on the roof instead. I miss seeing them together. Sometimes if you were up early enough they would be dancing in the kitchen. He would spin her around, she always had the biggest smile on her face.

"Buongiorno Nonna." I speak as soon as I step in the kitchen, the pot already boiling for the pasta she made last night and set up to dry. Our kitchen can look a bit like a horror film at times, pasta hanging down from the racks that Nonno installed decades ago. Sometimes tomato sauce splashed about.

"Ah buongiorno mia luce." She beckons me over and gives my cheek a kiss. "All ready for the day?" She asks smiling as I dig for some bread to slice and toast. Nothing exciting for breakfast, I'd love a poptart or something but they're forbidden in this house.

"Yes ma'am." I smile, pouring a glass of milk as I watch her carefully put her noodles in the boiling water. She's such a pro. One would think if she wasn't a visionary with flowers that she could have her own restaurant in a heartbeat. But she says her job now is to cook for the family. "Is mamma home yet?" I ask. She's always working over time.

"Yes, she came in about an hour ago, right before you woke up. She was so tired I'm sure she went to bed with her clothes still on. Poor woman works too much." I nod in agreement. I wish she didn't feel like she needed to that much but thats what she does and I can't say much about it considering I work quite a bit as well. My mom was never into flowers, either was her brother Salvatore. She stayed with her parents, she makes enough that we could have moved out and it could have been us two but with her erratic schedule she never did. That way someone would always be around to watch me. Salvatore is different, he's always been greedy in my opinion. He married Ysabella and they had two children, Salvatore and Vera. Apparently all the males in my family are called Salvatore. Joking of course. My uncle prefers to be called Sal, my cousin prefers to go by his middle name, Leo.

Their will only be one Salvatore in my mind. My Nonno.

"Merda!" I snap my attention back to Nonna, clutching her hand and grimacing, I push my chair back and stand quickly.

"Nonna, are you okay? What happened?" I ask, trying to see her injury.

"I was just, I was just confused for a minute." She brushes my concern away and continues to her daily tasks of cooking the pasta. "Don't you have a train to catch?" She speaks to me in that tone. Nonna is a stubborn woman. Hard on everybody, she doesn't believe in breaks. I nod at her, kiss her on the cheek and head to the door. I've already opened my window for Albert to explore the roof all day if he wants to, I'm sure he won't make it off the bed.

The morning has been quick. It's easy to get lost in my job, it's more than a job, it's my life. I know people say that all the time and people don't think a florist is anything special but it's a process. It's about seasons, colors, complimentary colors, secondary colors, creating depth, complimentary smells, each flower has a special way to be cut, some have to be wired, they're all different. It's all something you learn. I only got my degree in business because Nonna required it. She told me that if I'm going to run the business I'm going to do it right. Obviously it helped, I knew about flowers but the business was different.

I sip more of my water, my foot bouncing, waiting for Zayn to appear. He didn't exactly say that he was going to be coming today, I've brought lunch just in case but I was hoping. Shelby was right, he is gorgeous. And sometimes he just sits in silence. It's not awkward or uncomfortable, I actually enjoy it. I don't feel the need to fill up every second of our time with a voice or a thought.

I finish the last bridesmaid bouquet, wrapped with purple and ivory satin ribbon and place it in the small vase, secured in the large box. Another delivery for Max when he returns. The door chimes and I look over to the video camera to see Zayn, walking in the door. I hold back a squeal, I'm such a girl. I check my makeup quickly in the mirror and smooth down my hair.

"Nora!" He speaks loudly, not yelling my name, but I just feel like my name rolls off his tongue like butter. It's so smooth. It's a good thing I don't live in the UK, I'd probably sleep with anyone who had an accent. Oh sweet Jesus. I roll my eyes at myself for that thought.

"Down here." I wait for the stairs to creek just a little bit as he makes his way down, ducking his head so it's not hit on the beam.

"Hi." He gives me a slight smile and waves his had. I wonder if he knows how awkward he is at times.

"Hi. How are you today?" I smile as he nearly trips on the boxes by the steps. "Sorry, those are for Max." I tell him.

"You have this many deliveries today?" He looks up at me, surprised.

"It's Friday, in the summer. Everyone is getting married tomorrow." I haven't really brought up weddings, I know he's been married before, I know it didn't last.

"Ah weddings." He taps on the box, it's obvious he's thinking about something but our friendship isn't there for me to ask him whats on his mind. It's as if a switch has been flipped and all the sudden what ever he was thinking about is out of his head and he turns his attention back to me. I see his fingers twitching. "So lunch today?" He asks, moving pieces of ribbon aside and hoping up on the table. "Can I take you to lunch today?" I'm silently freaking out inside. Did he just ask to take me to lunch?

"Sorry, I can't close, no one is here and I've got three bouquets to wrap and go out." I motion to the small ivory rose arrangements waiting on the counter. Did Zayn Malik just ask if I want to join him for lunch? I heard that right, right?

"Right, I just thought that Julie came in early on Fridays?" It's hard not to freak out when you notice someone has been paying attention to your ramblings.

"Yeah, she is, but that's in about two hours." I grimace at him, I'm sure he's got other things to do, he doesn't need to wait around here for me to finish.

"So, teach me how to wrap those bouquets?" This time I can't hide my smile. Oh I'll teach you a thing or two.

Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.. wherever you may be. Anyway, I'm sorry for not updating in the last three days, I'm just really busy.


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