Exclusive Sorry Chapter

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Nora's POV

I don't know what it is about Zayn. Maybe it's that he's quiet and he's one to just study people but it drawls me to him. His awkwardness. It's actually really cute. I never thought that he would be so awkward at times but it's happening. He says things that he's unsure of, he doesn't know what to do with his hands half the time, it's quite unusual but I like it. I enjoy his awkward nature.

We don't have to wait at all at the diner, it's close to three so we're at that odd time where older people aren't eating yet, but lunch is over. It's quiet in this 1950's themed place. I put my flowers down, they should be fine for a little bit without water, and slide in the booth, Zayn taking the side opposite of me. I already know what I want. I've been here plenty of times before, usually sitting at the counter or just getting a to go box.

"So what are you getting?" I don't even look at the menu, my mouth already salivating just from the smell of this food.

"Um, we just got here, I don't know." He chuckles just a little, I can tell from his laugh that he used to smoke and has quit not that long ago. I did know that he used to smoke quite a bit, I know fans always wanted him to quit, but I haven't smelled it or seen him smoking since I've net him this past week. But when he laughs sometimes, you can hear that throaty catch, and sometimes when he laughs a lot he starts coughing. And he's always fiddling with his hands, always has something in his hands."What are you getting?" He peeks his eyes above the menu, raising his eyebrows up and down. It's those little things he does that make me laugh.

"Um, cheeseburger, fries, and chocolate milkshake. Duh." I mean, we're at a diner. That's what you get.

"I didn't think you'd go for that kind of food." He puts his menu down and crosses his arms, leaning back.

"Why not?" I purse my lips.

"I don't know, all that homemade past and bread your grandma makes, I guess this stuff just probably doesn't compare to it." He shrugs.

"Oh don't get me wrong. Nonna's food is amazing. But sometimes I just want some processed food. Some manufactured, what the hell is in this, a million calories, fill up my arteries nasty food." It's like a small addiction.

"Interesting." He rests his chin on his hand, rubbing his chin slightly.

"So what's your story Zayn?" I ask, twirling the straw of my water. He asks me so many questions about myself that I just don't get a chance to ask him anything.

"My story?" We order quickly as the waitress comes by, Zayn ordering the same thing as I did.

"Yeah, you've been asking me question right and left all week and I hardly know a thing about you." I don't really like to be a pusher but I just want to learn about him.

"Well anything you want to know you can look up on the internet." He shrugs, looking away.

"Well that's not really something I care about. I want to know Zayn, not something I can look up on the internet." I can understand why he's getting defensive but it doesn't make any sense when he's asked me a million things this week.

"Well." He takes a sip of water. "I'm 26. I have jet black hair that constantly changes. I enjoy drawling." He smirks at me as I glare at him.

"Really Zayn? That is crap I can look up on the internet." I lean back, a little standoffish about his reaction. It was just a question, not like I want his deep dark secrets.

We sit in silence, looking around. Maybe his won't work. I mean I don't know what I want to be honest, we've just met a week ago, that's not long enough to have any sort of relationship other than friendship. I wouldn't mind getting to know him but I can't base it on a week. His slight attitude change completely turns me off. I don't have time for that crap.

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