Battle for the city of Loy

433 14 6

Special region (Loy)

"Let me go you traitors!"Arpeggio

"Well,well looks like we got a deserter from Rondel."Legate Hoy said

"Rondel is working with dark mages from Londel this is crossing the line here.You know the city that worship the demon forces that nearly wipe out Falmart in the first age.It took the gods intervention to drive them back.Millions of people died during the war thousands of years ago."Apreggio said

"We need to win this war the barbarians we fight are more powerful than expected so we need all the help we can get if it involves making a deal with the devil then so be it."Legate Hoy replied

"You don't get it don't you this deal is going to get Sadera backstabbed."Apreggio said

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."Legate Hoy replied

"Incoming!The otherworlders iron dragons are here!"A imperial soldier shouted

"Alright boys get to your post and lock this lady up and don't despair as we have some serious stuff on our side defending this city.Let's say emperor Zorzal got us some demons on our side."Legate Hoy said

"Also if the demons still can't defeat the enemy we got a surprise near the forest of this city."Legate Hoy continued

Apreggio hands are cuffed by venge stone cuffs designed to surpress a mage from using their magic.

Apreggio is then thrown into a prison cell.

F-22s and F-35s unleashing their payload on the city with deadly precision killing concentrations of saderan manpower.

Due to this bombardment many Saderan soldiers begin to desert their lines.

"Soldiers of the empire there shall be no retreat, anyone who retreats shall be executed for desertion!"Legate Hoy shouted to his troops.

Many soldiers fear being executed and thus stayed in their position not moving anywhere this proves to be fatal as due to them staying in position they made themselves easy targets when the kryptonians arrived.


A massive sonic boom occurred high in the city.Forcing everyone to cover their ears.

Rojoll and Olsera came in and unleashed their heat vision on the defenders staying in their post killing them easily as they did not try to escape due to the fear of being executed.The imperial forces were turn to dust in the aftermath burned by solar energy given form.

Some trolls on the wall of the city turn the ballistae around and aimed it at the kryptonians.

The ballistae fired it's projectile at the kryptonians but the projectiled splintered into pieces when it hit the invulnerable body of the kryptonians.

Rojoll fired his heat vision at the ballistae on the walls of the city destroying it with ease.

Rojoll also used his heat vision to vaporize the walls of the city so that when his allies come they won't have to scale the walls.This also killed anyone left standing on the wall.

A mage tried to stop this by holding his staff up which caused swords and armor in the surrounding area to fuse into one giant golem.

Imperial soldiers begin to march behind the giant golem so that they can be safe from the Kryptonian attack.

The giant golem brought one of it's giant arms brought it on Rojoll but Rojoll swing his spear at the giant golem hand cutting it clean in two.

Seeing the giant golem stunted he blasted his heat vision on the giant golem.The heat vision melted the giant golem in seconds the imperial soldiers behind the giant golem only has seconds to live before they are incinerated too.

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