doing what the generator says

17 1 0

The prompt I was given: Elio breaking into Arties room through his window

Sounds fun- let's do it weeeeee
(This takes place before they're together)

Artie POV:

I had just put Amber back into her lake so that I could play with my little mouse friends that I named after a story I read about talking rats that lived in a big mansion! And they all had little passions, one of them, Scott, had a passion for all things farming, Lizzie, loved baking. There were other mice aswell, others named such as, Owen, Tommy, Jimmy, Oli, Will, Mart-

Elio POV:

I decided I want to see my wonderful boyfri- my, uhm, my wonderful friend today... and well, as of right now I'm standing outside of  his cottage listening to him squeak back and fourth with some animals, probably rats or something.

I began to climb the side of Arties house to give him a little scare, he looks cute when he's shocked. I smiled softly at the thought of  him being reluctant to see me... The vines along his house are surprisingly strong and my shoes hit the stone sides perfectly to make a small banging noise. I peek through his window and watch him Scott towards his ladder to come down probably to inspect the noise I was making.

I slowly crawl my way into his room and sit myself on his elevated bed, watching him untill he turns to look at me

Artie POV:

I stop thinking to myself as I hear something bang on the wall of the side of my cottage. My bedroom in elevated so it must be coming from under me or on the back of the house. The banging sound repeats again and I feel and hear it on the other side of the wall behind me, I looked at the window to the side of me slightly scared, I place down Tubbo, my mouse, as I slowly make my way towards the ladder to get down. The remaining mice that were on my bed quickly ran away, tubbo being the fastest. There was silence for a moment before I turned around to go down my ladder when I saw a familiar face waiting for me to turn.

3rd Person POV:

Artie jumped at the sudden sight of Elio infront of him, in response he almost falls backwards. Elio grabs him before he falls off his ladder and pulls him up ontop of her "Elio-! Sigh you're more mature than this, redstone witch." Elio laughed at her friends reaction to her pulling him onto her lap. "Oh please, you know I'm not~" Elio cracked a smile looking at the brunette's flustered face. Artie rolled his eyes and made his way off of Elios lap, Elio made a sarcastic sad face at Artie before laying down on his bed and getting a little tired. "Elio, I want to tell you something kinda importa-" Artie looked over and down at Elio sleeping in his bed. "... It can wait..." Artie smiled and laid down next to her. Feeling her arms wrap around him in her sleep

Well that ended nicely, also ratsSMP references!!

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