chapter four

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tw: still just some mild internalised homophobia?? nothing too descriptive or harsh.

   once we arrive back at the house, i watch as bill slowly walks the bike into the garage. he turns around to look at me and starts laughing. i don't even know why, yet, here i am, laughing along with him.

"y-you look like you're being a-a-ab-absorbed by that s-s-sweater,"

"you gave me this sweater, you dork!" i retort.

   bill starts walking up to his front door and pulls a key out of his pocket. he inserts it into the keyhole of the door and turns the knob. he turns around to look at me, gesturing towards the door.

"l-ladies first."

   i roll my eyes at him, he just grins back. i unwillingly walk through the door. i kneel down and begin unlacing my shoes. i set them right beside the door and look up at bill. his face looks bright red.

"bill, are you okay?" i ask, concerned.

"oh, y-yeah, im f-fine." he replies, not very convincingly.

why is his face so red?

is he sick?

oh my god does he have heat stroke?

this is my fault, i should've just gone to the station alone.

   i give him a questioning look, but quickly decide to just trust what he says. bill slides his pair of black vans off and sets them right beside my converse on the floor.

   we both walk back into the kitchen to resume preparing the snacks. it's 6:46 according to the microwave. bill grabs a stack of red solo cups from a cabinet and sets them beside the bottles of soda on the counter. the microwave beeps and i pull the now-inflated bag of popcorn and pour it into a bowl. i put another bag into the microwave and begin waiting once again.

   bill starts to grab a few pieces of the popcorn, but i slap his arm whenever he reaches his arm out.

"bill! we need to save some for everybody else, you dumbass." i groaned.

   bill just rolls his eyes.

"oh c-come on. live a l-little."

   i give him a glare. i grab myself a handful of popcorn and start throwing it at bill, piece by piece. i'm grinning like an idiot.

"f-f-fuck you, stan!"

   i hear a smaller voice repeat bill.

"yeah! fuck you, stan!"

   bill and i turn around to see georgie.

   georgie denbrough is the younger brother of bill denbrough. he's maybe half our age. he was sort of the beginning of the whole evil-sewer-clown-situation. georgie had gone "missing" right before that summer. we all thought he was dead. there was even somebody who had claimed to see a ton of his blood surrounding a drain. he turned up alive though.

   after we all had crawled out of the sewers, georgie was right there with us. we don't know how, but i guess everything got fixed after we beat that clown bitch up- "language!i hear my father's voice repeat in the back of my head.

"juh-juh-georgie! don't s-say that, m-mum might h-hear."

   georgie just giggled and ran away.

"i th-think i'm a bad in-influence on him" bill said.

"yeah? well you're a bad influence on me too." i remarked smugly.

   he let out a chuckle before reaching back towards the popcorn bowl.

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